Original Post
Vote Kick/Ban
There should be a way to vote kick people who are being annoying. I did this thread a long time ago and lots said " just ignore them" how do you ignore someone talking about u 24/7 saying the most offensive of things. Mabey you could make it so the whole room has to agree to the kick before it can be done.
Wrong board.
/opt chat 0
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
A few things:
1. This kind of thing belongs in the suggestions board, make sure to read the FAQ/rules to make sure you're familiar with the different boards
2. Pretty sure there's already an ongoing thread about this, even if there isn't it's bee suggested a hundred times, all with similar outcomes - it'd be too easily abused.

Closed, please red the rules n stoof