Original Post
Preset Matchtypes w/ Prize Multipliers
After Killpiu vs. Culapou's Hard Knocks match, Culapou and I began to brainstorm new ideas to attract more boxers to the league. One idea I came up with were Preset Matchtypes with an extra TC salary bonus depending on match requirements and effiency.

These preset matchtypes will be effective immediately so boxers can test them out.

Now here is a description of each preset matchtype and how bonus rewards will be established.

Classic- First to 3/Best of 5 wins the match. Regular Boxing Match. Standard Boxing Rules Apply.

No Bonus Multiplier

Hardknocks- First person to reach 500k points in total wins the match. Unlimited Rounds. Standard Boxing Rules apply.

Reward Equation: 1000 toricredits x Number of points won by(10000 points = 1 point in the equation) divided by Number of rounds to reach total score.

Example: Smilies2 won the match by 30000 points in Round 5

1000 toricredits x 3 divided by 5 = 600 toricredits

Smilies2 receives standard 4000 toricredit match salary + 600 toricredit bonus salary.

Endurance 2000 matchframe round. Point Limit decided by players. First to reach point limit wins the match. Standard Boxing Rules Apply.

Reward Equation: 1000 toricredits divided by Number of points won by (10000 points = 1 point in equation) X Number of frames taken to win match (Matchframes taken divided by 1000)

***Longer as well as Closer-scored matches are encourage in Endurance so its better to win by 1000 points in 2000 frames then 10000 in 500 frames

Example: Smilies2 won by 25000 points at frame 0 (2000 frames taken to win match)

1000 toricredits divided by 2.5 x 2.0 = 800 toricredits

Smilies2 receives standard 4000 toricredit match salary + 800 toricredit bonus salary.

Slobber Knocker- Knockdown Rules apply. First one to reach X number of knockdowns (decided by boxers) wins matchs. Round ends when knockdown occurs. Referee decides what and what is not a knockdown for boxers. Standard Boxing Rules Apply.

Reward Equation: 1000 toricredits x Number of Knockdowns acquired over opponent divided by Rounds taken to win the match

Example: Smilies2 wins by 10 knockdowns to 3 knockdowns in the 10th round

1000 toricredits x 7 divided by 10 = 700 toricredits

Smilies2 receives standard 4000 toricredit match salary + 700 toricredit bonus salary.

Slugfest- 1000 matchframe round. Lowered Fracture threshold. First player to DQ from injuries loses. 250 fracture threshold. Standard Boxing Rules Apply

Reward Equation: 1000 toricredits x Number of fractures on opponents divided by Number of fractures taken from opponent

Example: Smilies2 wins by DQ after fracturing opponent 5 times but taking 4 fractures himself.

1000 toricredits x 5 divided by 4 = 1250 toricredits

Smilies2 receives standard 4000 toricredit match salary + 1250 toricredit bonus salary.

Technical- Standard Boxing Rules apply. A defensive technique (block, parry, counter, dodge) counts as 1 points. An offensive technique (any punch) counts as 2 points. Winning the round counts as 1 point. First Boxer to X amount of points wins match (players decided the number of points to win).

Reward Equation- 1000 toricredits x Number of points won by divided by (Ratio of offensive techniques vs defensive techniques)

*** Variety equals more rewards in this gametype

Example: Smilies2 wins by 5 points using 10 offensive techniques and 10 defensive techniques

1000 toricredits x 5 divided by 1 = 5000 toricredits

Smilies2 receives standard 4000 toricredit match salary + 5000 toricredit bonus salary.

Championship Boxing- Standard Boxing Rules apply. Knockdown Rules apply.TKO/KO Rules apply. 10 Rounds of Boxing. 1 minute break in between rounds. Scorecards based on % of hits landing and Number of punches thrown.

***Winning a round influences a judge's decision but strategy as well as efficiency play a big role as well and are what the judges look at if the match ends 5-5 before declaring a winner.

Reward Equation: No Bonus Multiplier but TC Bonuses by winning in certain ways equals extra TC:

Win By KO- 5k TC Bonus

Win By TKO- 10k TC Bonus

Win with 100% punch efficiency- 15k TC Bonus

Win with more than 30 Punches thrown- 15k TC Bonus

That is all the gametypes we have for now.

Committee Team, Post your comments now!

Boxers: Use these matchtypes as much as possible and tell us how they are
Last edited by Smilies2; Jul 21, 2009 at 06:07 AM.
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out