Original Post
What is the greatest compliment you ever received?
Sup guise,
I was wondering what the nicest thing is someone has ever said to you.
Something you will always remember and make you smile.

Mine was when hampa said my head texture is funny,
no just kidding.
mine was when a girl who ended up as my girlfriend called me awesome.
sounds silly but it makes me feel good.
How are you?
I really don't have compliments. If I do, I don't really take knowledge to it. :/

If I had to pick, I would say, some guy came up to me ingame and said ' Dude your replays are amazing' thats probably the biggest comment I have ever gotten.
Originally Posted by Hotshot40 View Post
girl i liked (still do) said i was funny

Wait, how old are you?
That can't be the best.
Although, "Sly's fuckin funny" isn't that great either.
My old taekwondo teacher said I had what it takes to be great.

Or, my cousin said I was the most bad-ass person she'd ever met
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
My old taekwondo teacher said I had what it takes to be great.

They all say that. I know from experience.
Some guy said I was more Pimpin' than Lil wayne
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