Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Ethereal's Resocialization.
Could I kindly ask for making this thread sticky, or pinning it, please.

ime to make things good out here, while I was away, you guys stepped
into some serious shit. I wanna get you out of that shit, and clean your

Ethereal's like a dwarf star now, It was a normal star, then turned into a red giant,
which then had ran out of gasses to burn, and got smaller, making it a dwarf star.

What I mean by that, is you guys first were an okay clan, then you guys, became
a good clan, however, you fucked up at some points, you fucked up with
some person, you fucked up, because of a reason.

I wanna help you guys, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be an asshole,
it's just that, I don't leave friends in need, I'mma help you guys get to the
top again, If I succed, It'll depend on you guys if you keep on that level, or
you're gonna fall again.

But let's not make predictions, we just need to focus, on stuff, Ethereal needs
to do.

List of shit we, and ethr should do:

-Be friends with all the people, they made enemies with, It's because of them,
you made enemies with some people, which have the 'power', and they started
to discriminate you, let's say. Fyr, or Boxman, you may not like him but
he tried to apologize, yeah, yeah, we all know he clanhopped, and Inferno got
angry at him, but he tried to be nice and apologize, while you guys just turned
him away.

-More Ethereal based events, you know, make more betting rooms, tourname-
-nts, all that kind of shit, always some money and respect from that, right?

-More 'badassness', what I mean by that, is don't act stupid, just, don't, try to
be cool about shit, don't come up with rude responses, or shit like that, that's
another reason which brought you down, let's change that.

-Get rid of low maturity level, and the faggy/assholish behaviour some
members show. We all know, I'm not talking about everyone, it's just overall,
behaviour of the clan, the whole clan, is going in the wrong direction, we need
a GPS, which can be me, and we need to guide ya'll in the right direction.

That's about it, I'll follow and help you guys on these goals, inform about
anything you did from this list under this post, thanks.

Exclaimer: I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just trying to help...

A song to motivate all of you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTYsElEGswc
Last edited by Metriakon; Mar 30, 2013 at 12:26 AM.
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
Time to make things good out here, while I was away, you guys stepped
into some serious shit. I wanna get you out of that shit, and clean your

I don't recall any serious shit. People come and leave, people get mad and leave, people join because of the people leaving, people join because without reason, people leave without reason. Random shit is random.

Ethereal's like a dwarf star now, It was a normal star, then turned into a red giant,
which then had ran out of gasses to burn, and got smaller, making it a dwarf star.

I've just got to say that I've never cared for "rep". If I really wanted to impress random people on the internet that A.) aren't in the clan B.) never intend on joining the clan, then I'd go throw tc at random people. "Rep" does nothing to help us. When we were on top of our game and had an amazing rep, it did little besides have people join rooms ingame. I hardly go ingame, and not even as much on the forum, "rep" is useless.

What I mean by that, is you guys first were an okay clan, then you guys, became
a good clan, however, you fucked up at some points, you fucked up with
some person, you fucked up, because of a reason.

One butthurt person tells another butthurt person, and before you know it, half of the people on the internet are butthurt. All you can do is sit back and make a trollface. No one person's opinion changes the way our clan is. It may change how others perceive it, but overall does nothing to harm us.

I wanna help you guys, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be an asshole,
it's just that, I don't leave friends in need, I'mma help you guys get to the
top again, If I succed, It'll depend on you guys if you keep on that level, or
you're gonna fall again.

I like that you want to help, but really, there's nothing wrong. People talk, and people lie. It happens. If we go inactive compared to before, no sweat on my face. I'm hardly and I mean hardly interested in TB anymore. I'm not in a very good mood as you can all probably tell.

But let's not make predictions, we just need to focus, on stuff, Ethereal needs
to do.

Oh boy, here we go. Let me look over these for a bit, so I can tell you how I think each thing would go.

List of shit we, and ethr should do:

-Be friends with all the people, they made enemies with, It's because of them,
you made enemies with some people, which have the 'power', and they started
to discriminate you, let's say. Fyr, or Boxman, you may not like him but
he tried to apologize, yeah, yeah, we all know he clanhopped, and Inferno got
angry at him, but he tried to be nice and apologize, while you guys just turned
him away.

Lol @ FYR and Power in the same paragraph. I'll admit I get mad every once in a while, but so what? Everyone does, and I'm not going to basically let people think I'm a doormat. For every FYR or Soap that leaves, theres another 5-6 members that genuinely leave nicely and don't offend me. Like you, you said you had a goal, and you wanted to someday be in [Secret]. That's fine with me, I can understand where you come from, and find no error in how you left. Needless to say, Soap and FYR didn't leave as gracefully and honestly it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

-More Ethereal based events, you know, make more betting rooms, tourname-
-nts, all that kind of shit, always some money and respect from that, right?

This does nothing but increase "rep". There's no real money from tournaments, simply us giving away around $1 or 2 so per tourney. Respect on the internet is something I have yet to see.

-More 'badassness', what I mean by that, is don't act stupid, just, don't, try to
be cool about shit, don't come up with rude responses, or shit like that, that's
another reason which brought you down, let's change that.

Most of the "badassness" we had came from the way people viewed ave. He was basically rich and he was cool with lots of people. People saw him as the face of Ethr so naturally our stock rose as his did.

-Get rid of low maturity level, and the faggy/assholish behaviour some
members show. We all know, I'm not talking about everyone, it's just overall,
behaviour of the clan, the whole clan, is going in the wrong direction, we need
a GPS, which can be me, and we need to guide ya'll in the right direction.

I don't think you remember how Ethr has always been. Low maturity and general stupidity have been strong influences throughout the entire process. Perhaps filtered through a Leader or such when I or Ave were more active, but we've never been a beacon of maturity.

That's about it, I'll follow and help you guys on these goals, inform about
anything you did from this list under this post, thanks.

Exclaimer: I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just trying to help...

It's nice that you try to help, but it's not worth it. Basically, I'm just going to let this sits how it is and run it's course. I don't really care too much about TB anymore as stated above, and as long as there's 5 or so members posting at least once every 2 weeks then we're not technically "Dead".

[/SIZE][/B][/U][/I]A song to motivate all of you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTYsElEGswc

I'm not a fan of this song either.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Inferno: 1
Metriakon: 0

On another note, I agree with Inf. I have been going away from Tb, but I enjoy the forums. I do admit, the 3 word thread was too much, but that is in the past.

I also agree with Inf on the "rep" stuff. Idc how others thing of us. That is what they think, they have to actually know us to be sure about it. Why should we waste money on stuff we don't care about. I only go on Tb if I have nothing else to do, or in a Skype call and they are playing Tb, and I am doing nothing.

One thing that I dislike, is not many people are posting. It is sad cause I would go on the forums, and only see like 4-5 new messages. It used to be like 2 pages I missed... If we had to change anything, it would be forum activity.
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
What is it about winning? this isn't a discussion thread, is it? I'm not trying to insult Ethereal.

Anyway, since you thought my attempt you help Ethereal was invalid, you can just delete
this post and forget about it.
Lol met thinks he's better than us by saying what's wrong with us.

Fix yourself before you try to fix others.
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Did I say I'm better than you? and I told ethereal
what they should do
, to make this clan better.

But fuckall, you guys think that I'm trying to fuck you guys over, Inferno doesn't care
about this clan, nor TB, as he said above, so I'mma just gonna forget about Ethereal.
And let it die in peace.
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Lol met thinks he's better than us by saying what's wrong with us.

Fix yourself before you try to fix others.

Avengd7x: 1
InfernoXZ: 1
Metriakon: 0
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆