Original Post
+Bad Rep?
Someone told me that my replays cant go here and gave me bad rep for it but since im a beginneer and i want other people to see my "beginner replays" cant i post them here? who is wrong. me or him?
Last edited by Fee; Jul 23, 2010 at 02:56 PM.
You are allowed to post replays here IF you want help with them. But the people who give the best advice on replays generally use the replays board.

If you merely want to share them, then use the replay board as LWafflez has stated.
Can you link me to the thread, I'll be able to tell you if the close was right.

But yes, posting replays here is only done if you need help, for example "What would I do differently to achieve a decap here" not "What do you think of these replays"
This one.
Fee. You had closed this one already but my CP said that i was given bad rep because it was in the wrong spot. i just didnt know if it was a good or bad spot but here is the link
If you didn't know better, then giving you bad rep puts him in the wrong.
And like fish said, if you were posting it as a beginner replay perhaps to get help thats completely allowed.