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Store Restocking?
Hey, I joined Friday, and would like to know... when does the store restock? I'm planning on getting enough for full orc by then.... Thanks guys.
Suup. I don't know how often the store restocks, but you can find a bunch of orc items in the market. This is where people sell their items to you, rather than buying them from the game store.

Search for the item you want, and a bunch of shops will show up, which have the item you seek. Click on the shop, and continue to find the item and purchase it.

Hope that helps.
Restocks only happen once in a while. You'll have to be patient.

Until then, you should Corey's advice and go to the Market.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Originally Posted by Exie View Post
I sent you a pack with all the orc items, enjoy them and welcome to toribash.

You know that he hasn't been on in 2 months.