Original Post
Upgrading desktop and buying a new one
Ok i am going to upgrade my current desktop's graphics card, get windows 7, get new screen, get new case, get new keyboard, get new mouse
also im buying a new one anyone reccomend some graphics cards and some desktops
I game alot so i need a great graphics card.
Wow thats a lot of things to get!

560Ti is an excellent card. Also you don't need a 'great' card, you need a good card
You can get W7 free if you are at a school that has a Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance (I got W7 Professional free).
Don't care too much about cases.
For a new screen get something decent, but don't get sucked in to all the BS 'features'. Remember to keep your old screen so you can dual monitor (you just need +1 DVID (or vga) cable and +1 power cable).
For keyboard and mouse remember that Razor has some boss stuff but their build quality is not as high as Logitech, whom also have some boss stuff. Mechanical keyboards are awesome too. But loud.
GeForce GTX 560 2GB GDDR5 Phantom
u can get the 1 gb version too if its sufficiently cheaper, its cool, silent and fast
monitor: Samsung xl2370 - I have it, nothing but praises
case: depends what u want, there is a number of cases that are good ranging for 50-300 eur
wishful eyes deceive me
I actually might not replace the case but i was wondering is there a way to replace the disk drive... mine is broken
Originally Posted by airstrike6 View Post
no i need a great one i play a lot of games
World of tanks and alot more

None of them need more than a 'good' amount of GPU
The most you'd need is a 560 Ti or it's AMD counter part (whatever that would be) but that's probably overkill, it's more based on your screen size than the games you play, could you tell us how big of a screen you plan on getting, resolution would be the best measure, I.E. 1680x1050, you can find standard display resolutions here:

Also, the 2GB 560 is a bad choice, sorry missuse, but that wasn't a good suggestion, 2GB of VRAM is not going to help you without a fast enough GPU to use it, it just wont make a big enough difference to justify the price tag, the 1GB is superior for price/performance.

Disk drives can be replaced, or more can be added, are you talking about Optical DD or Hard DD?

[EDIT] I looked up reviews on that 560 you linked missuse and there are no decent reviews I can find, all I know is it's price around £240, which is simply too much for a 560 Ti, not worth it at all.
Last edited by Vox; May 24, 2011 at 12:31 AM.
Depends on your budget. And yes, 560 ti is the best to go to play on full HD resolution. Take either Gigabyte SOC version (the performance is close to a reference gtx 570 ,it also has a 2 year warranty (if i remember correctly)) or MSI OC edition (it has the best cooler out there, the performance is about the same as Gigabyte SOC, though I'm not sure about the warranty). And Gigabyte is cheaper. Your choice.