Original Post
25gb internet
My internet has 25gb of space every month, how many minutes of youtube videos do you think I could watch roughly untill it runs out. Thanks
Depends on what quality, most youtube videos are 360p amirite?

Also to easily monitor your internet usage i'd recommend bitmeter, it tells you how much download and upload bandwidth you've used, for every hour, day, week, month and year.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
I used to only have 5 gb of net a month.
Up to 20 now. Still runs out too quickly.
'specially with skype.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Ive got 15gb cap, i watch a fair amount of youtube and game n shiz and i dont run out. (download locally/get others to do it for me)
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Umbre View Post
My internet has 25gb of space every month, how many minutes of youtube videos do you think I could watch roughly untill it runs out. Thanks

I have 30 Gigabyte internet connection and i watch 10 - 12 videos per day.

At the end of the month, i have 7-8 Gigabytes left.
Internet space?

ADSL ftw, endless capacity here ;d
<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin