Original Post
Recurring Chat Problem
I posted this during version 3.6ish, and was told it would be fixed for 3.7. It was not.

Here is what happens:

I often want to say something while I am fighting. I hit "enter" or "t" and the text window appears. I begin typing words.

Suddenly, the text window disappears, but my incomplete message does not appear in the chat box. I was not done typing, I have not hit enter. If I hit enter AFTER the incomplete message has disappeared, it comes back up, but the cursor has been moved all the way over to the left.

This does not usually happen very often. If I don't type anything longer than "gg," it hardly happens at all. But just now I was in BB aikido trying to have a conversation, and it was happening A LOT.

As you can imagine, this is VERY annoying. It is extremely disruptive and often causes me to space ingame.

****If you think you can help, please look over this post again and make sure you understand my problem. Last time I posted a problem here, some of the people who offered suggestions either misunderstood me or did not read the entire post. This time, I tried to be as clear as possible.*****

If you aren't sure about something, please ask me to clarify.

Thank you for your time,

KingBosh disconnected. quit life
Yeah, this is a really boring bug.

I suggest you to not write long messages, and always have a look at the Chatbox.