Original Post

Hello, We are [Bench], This is our story.. er.. uhm... Please wait until.. er... WE ARE A BENCH WE DONT DO MUCH!
We dont have a brain, we have uhm.. Wood, what did you expect?!

Leader : DeathDude9

Co Leader :Crazymen21

General : LGOX

Members : :oseday1234

Rank Up section ( Divider under construction)
If you want to rank up to Elite, General or Artist you must do the following things.
Elite : Be AT LEAST 2nd belt and have mediocre English.
General : Recruit at least 1 player per 2 weeks
Artist : Make new stuff for the clan and join Art Contests.

Alteast BROWN Belt

50 posts

Good Knowledge of English

Past clans:
At least 3 replays:
Tell us something about you:
Do you have any Art/Video making skills?:
What can you help us with?:
Why do you want to join?:
Why should we accept you?:
Can you donate for the clan?:
Can you post atleast 2 times per week?:




All donations go to BenchBank!
Corgin, 20k :3

This clan is made cause of the Death of KiLa, You can say its an Reloaded KiLa

Last edited by Deathdude9; May 22, 2011 at 01:16 PM.
You thought you can kill me? Well I am already dead. So Fuck you and your inbred son in law.
Clan news:1.04.11:[Bench] has been made
................:2.04.11:Added banners and dividers
Last edited by Mathias; Apr 2, 2011 at 02:49 PM.
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)
Hahahhahaha I really laugh when I saw the story

Name: oseday (Can Çakır)
Past clans:umm lets see Jedi cats jedi kila jedi kila jedi kila (bench)
At least 3 replays: later, Ill upload later
Belt:1st dan black
Tell us something about you: Hmm I like... ...ummmm ummmmm actually I dont know :S I just cant describe my self :S I cannot do it maybe you need some thing like this it is really stupid write that "Hi my name is can I cannot even describe my self and I live in Istanbul/Turkey so cya peeps" no thats stupidest thing I will ever see in my life dude -.-
Do you have any Art/Video making skills?: no
What can you help us with?: umm posts and I will donate if I have any money
Why do you want to join?: KiLa died and all my friends gotten here thats why...
Why should we accept you?: cuz Im old frienddd
Can you donate for the clan?: yeah ofcourse but I dont have TC
Can you post atleast 2 times per week?: more more and more xD
Play fair, die fair.
ofc you are in friend just wait for deathdude to add you and remember to be active
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)
I think you can use the [b] or [B] tag,friends ;v
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Oseday accepted, and Kat, we shall use [Bench]
You thought you can kill me? Well I am already dead. So Fuck you and your inbred son in law.
Ha, funny story.
Plain Dsc, but already a good amount of members in a small amount of time.
Good luck!
Requesting Clan Allies
FOUNDER of [Wicked]
Join the Survivors.SALE 15k HunterForces
Alliance accepted
I will add you later, need to go now
You thought you can kill me? Well I am already dead. So Fuck you and your inbred son in law.
look a new replay.It's still a WIP but tell me what do you think
Crazy_The lamb of Doom.rpl

and yes i know it has a strange name
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)