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About us (rules goals etc)


Atlantic has many goals, which most have been attained:

[Y]: Get 10k+ in the clan bank.
[Y]: Get 20k+ in the clan bank.
[Y]: Get 30k+ in the clan bank.
[Y]: Get 40k+ in the clan bank.
[Y]: Get 50k+ in the clan bank.
[Y]: Have 5+ members.
[Y]: Have 10+ members.
[Y]: Have 15+ members.
[Y]: Have 20+ members.
[N]: Achieved global toribash fame.
[N]: Achieved high amounts of toribash fame.
[Y]: Achieved medium amounts of toribash fame.
[Y]: Achieved low amounts of toribash fame.


If you are inactive for 1 week or more, you'll get kicked from the clan.

If you're gonna be inactive, tell Castra, Ostakex or Notnoob.


If your a member then you MUST read it all, all of it...ALL OF IT!

The no's.
No flaming members.
No spamming.
No double, triple or quadruple posts.
No aggresivness on forums and ingame
No useless posting.

The do's:
Be nice to members.
Be a good sport and accept loss and win.
Be a nice member .
Be a cooperative member.
Always listen to what the leaders have to say.

The avoid's:
Avoid being in a clan war without asking leaders.
Avoid being enemy's with other clans.
Avoid flaming other clan's.
Avoid all the no's.
Avoid being banned, we wouldn't want banned members in this clean clan.

And the most MOST important rule:
Listen and do what the leaders tell you to.
Were not bossy but we needed this for a long time due to people not doing what we tell them to.

Basically thats it, please follow all these rules.

Now for the warnings:
Warning samples:
1 day ban from Atlantic
3 day ban from Atlantic
10 day ban from Atlantic
Permanent ban from Atlantic

Cause of warnings is when you break the rules that are above more than 3 times.

Warning system:
Break 3 rules, get a 1 day ban.
Break 5 rules, get a 3 day ban.
Break 10 rules, get a 10 day ban.
Break all the rules with really aggressive behavior towards the clan, get yourself a nice permanent ban.

If you disobey the warning system we WILL ask a moderator to ban you from either forums or our clan forums.

About us:
As Atlantic we strive for excellence, we aim to be one of the most recognized and popular clans ingame aswell as on the forums, we have achieved ingame popularity by quite a bit, people recognize us or compliment me and the other leaders for doing a good job with the clan.
We are allies with some clans which are known throughout toribash (Aeon, VIP, MFR etc) and have built strong relationships with some famous people.
Last edited by notnoob; May 17, 2011 at 04:19 PM.
| tom |