Original Post
[Solved] Flaming/Begging
Anyway i recently kicked a pending member from my clan because he/she wasn't doing his/her best to get into it and was begging for items and tc.
Link to my post in the DSC :
After this i got this pm.

Originally Posted by girlz
thank u so much u didnt understand how shit that was gettting with u being a wing and a sook and a babby and all this other crap ur jsut a sook no wonder u need ur older brother his over 20 to look after u because such a idiot u dont know how to run things u dont know how to do enything and bbtwww u suck=P and thx again for getting me out the crappy very very crappy stupid "clan" how u have to be patiant rofl get a life nerd and u look liek a piece of crap=P

Here is a screenshot of the pm:

One of the begging pm's :

Originally Posted by girlz
memo can i ahve radioactive force and heliouse lax plzzzzz

Screenshot of it :

I whited out some of my start menu because i had some personal stuff up, anyway i can get screenshots of the other pm's if necessary.
Found another one :

Originally Posted by girlz
hey memo can i pweaze have 600 tc if its not a problem pweazeee

Last edited by Fee; Mar 15, 2011 at 12:00 PM.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Normally I would just tell you to be thick skinned as this is the internet, but since it seems like a steady stream of begging/insulting I'll give a profile infraction. Thanks for the report.