Original Post
mod making question
If I want to make a parkour map, and I want the friction to be the same as the ground in classic, what should I set the friction to?

Also is there a way to import mods into the modmaker?
Last edited by craftinbros; May 8, 2014 at 03:08 AM.
About the second question I guess you can load the mod first and then alt+m to open mod maker.
I forgot the friction of the ground. :P
Dengue is a wizard.
[Nitro] | (KnC) | [Monk] | Gamer's Inc. | ViperTech and Cheshyre fanboy
Puncher did you even google? theres like 10 threads dedicated to your question.

Craft, the ground on classic looks kinda slippery, id say its 0.