Original Post
Self Dismemberment 101

*Off topic:Woot first post*

This Tutorial will cover how to dismember your own limbs or “commit suicide” as some people call it.
Note: Some moves do not work in Classic or the Demo lobby.

Leg dismemberment
Press c
Lower left and right shoulder
Extend left and right glute
Grip hands
Press space 2 time’s

Raise left and right shoulder
Space 2 time’s

Arm & hand dismemberment

Press c
Lower left and right shoulder
Contract left and right elbow
Contract left and right wrist
Grip Hands
Space 2 time’s

Torso rip

Extend left and right glute
Contract left and right knee
Space 2 time’s

Lower left and right shoulder
Grip hands
Space 4 time’s

Torso rip 2

Press c
Extend left and right glute
Contract right and left knee
Lower left and right shoulder
Extend left and right pecs
Grip hands
Space 3 time’s

Extend left and right knee
Contract left and right glute
Space 2 time’s
Last edited by Shrimp; Sep 24, 2007 at 01:15 AM.
Wow. I like this. Someone should sticky this. But Torso rip 2 doesn't work.
Last edited by Nellis; Sep 24, 2007 at 01:09 AM.
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
Hmm it dousnt?Ill check into that.
Oh and thanks for the comment! By the way fell free to add any off your own or any i missed.

Edit: Found the problem going to fix it right now.
Last edited by Shrimp; Sep 24, 2007 at 01:14 AM.
Heh. Nice. And I have a move.

Torso rip 3
Extend left and right glutes
Extend left and right hips
Contract left and right knees

Space 2

Lower left and right shoulders
Grip hands

Space 4
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
Tried out your move Nellis didnt work for me any specifications you got?

And jam what do ya mean by DM threshhold?
Thanks Cayal. :3

Edit:Got it to work, Nellis nice one!
Last edited by Shrimp; Sep 24, 2007 at 02:38 AM.
Don't hold all. Relax all. then do the stuff

Edit:Your Welcome.
Last edited by Nellis; Sep 24, 2007 at 02:40 AM.
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
Originally Posted by Shrimp View Post
And jam, what do ya mean by DM threshhold?

The dismemberment threshold, how easy it is to rip limbs off. Its a setting in game setup. D=
Oh ok Jam. Im not registered so I cant really give an exact but they all work fine in Judo and TaekKon so 100-140 maybe.

*New Move*

Hand dismemberment

Press c
Raise left and right shoulder
Contract left and right elbow
Contract left and right wrist
Grip hand's
Space 2 time's