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Forum user titles.
Hello , so I see diferent user titles in the forum(normal ones , not toriprime ones) some of those are junior member , member , senior member , forumite ub3r , but I wanted to know how much post you need for each rank up on the user title?
0 - 29 Posts - Junior Member
30 - 499 Posts - Member
500 - 1499 Posts - Senior Member
500 - 2499 Posts - Forumite
2500 - 3499 Posts - ub3r
3500 - 4499 Posts - Raconteur
4500 - 5999 Posts - Chatterbox
6000 - 9000 Posts - Elitist
9001+ Posts - Flagrant Meme
This is more fun than google, Solax.
Is Flagrant Meme new? I had over 9000 post before most of my clan threads got deleted but I remained Elitist.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
This is more fun than google, Solax.
Is Flagrant Meme new? I had over 9000 post before most of my clan threads got deleted but I remained Elitist.

It's been around as long as Raconteur and forumite have afaik, so it isn't new.
what am i doing here
Originally Posted by Facade View Post
It's been around as long as Raconteur and forumite have afaik, so it isn't new.

It's not?

Last time I was here it stopped at ub3r.