Original Post
Fucking game -_-
look, is it just my game and the way its installed or does this happen to you too?

i play a lot of singleplayer games becouse i want to make decent replays
but every fucking time i do it at the end of the match the fucking game starts
over without a chance to save the replay this happened to me quite a few times
so either hampa has to sourt this shit out or my game is just fucked up
and if i am wrong i do appologise but if im not then hampa needs to sourt
this shit out i mean it sourta pisses me off.

i just want replies on if your game does this...
Up on malancholy hill, there's a plastic tree~
It does it, but I believe there is a script to stop this from happening. If you don't want to use the script, you can just press 'R' at the last 10 frames of the replay. By the way, this isn't meant for discussion, etc.
The same happened to me when i did my video with parlour then a bunche of bboy fairs then it did the same let a gm take a look at it pff happend to me today aswell
discussion doesnt want this thread

this happens because you press space after the match ends.
turn autosave on, it will autosave SP replays too
Last edited by siku; Jul 4, 2012 at 12:37 AM.