Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Fluff takeover? oO
First Busz went uber with the modding
Then Cev went uber with the arting
Then Foxie got a mod status in teh tutorials

Fluff taking over TORiBASH forums? xD
What what? In the butt.
Re: Fluff takeover? oO
Fluff is where its at!

Ive seen clans without head textures... and that makes me sad. Some dont even know how to use photoshop... Which amongst my freinds is like saying you like eating week old pidgeons you left in a sack....

I think the mass of skilled people we have here was just a lucky coincidence.... And im damn glad for it.

Also.... Fluff has given itself a reputation. More people keep asking to join, and getting snotty when i deny their acceptance into the group due to lack of skills. Mabey we need a Jr.Fluff/Nuff/Fluffies/FluffTrainer level or something, so that we can take in those who still are too sucky to be of any use to the big boys (or girls) Fluff league.

Id hate to lose potential like that, but then again, we dont want the opinion that we will accept anyone who asks, or on the basis cause they can say ShampawampaDooDwomp while drinking a glass of milk through their Left eye (although it would definently make me think twice if you could provide a video of you doing this, while beating me at Toribash. DivX format will be fine )

Fluff... where men are men, women are men, and little girls are FBI agents.
<( O )>
Re: Fluff takeover? oO
Step aside, lint! Fluff is here to fill your pockets and bellybutton!
What what? In the butt.
Re: Fluff takeover? oO
You don't even need photoshop, I made my head in MS Paint, I'm too lazy even to pirate Photoshop . Also, what can I say...I tend to inspire greatness in others, but lack in greatness myself. I'm mod of the Fluff forum, at least =P
Re: Fluff takeover? oO
Shades alive!!!!

You cannot stop the Toribash. Nothing can stop the Toribash.

You will be here forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
<( O )>
Re: Fluff takeover? oO
...and ever and ever and whatever.

Originally Posted by Foxie
First Busz went uber with the modding
Then Cev went uber with the arting
Then Foxie got a mod status in teh tutorials

Fluff taking over TORiBASH forums? xD

Yeah! What's "uber" by the way?
Re: Fluff takeover? oO
Im the only one who does nothing but own everyone
@m0o: dude fuck
@m0o: fail guys like chac and blam make me want to suicide
@m0o: theyre probably the most annoyingly boring people I have ever met in my life
@m0o: and I know a girl with a monobrow who speaks in monotone
Re: Fluff takeover? oO
Okay. "uber" is a term usualy used by one of 2 people... and they are either the gamer with absolutely no life, who will speak of edge clip when they bump into things, and the knowledgeable kinda person, who already knew what "uber" meant ("super" in German) and finds it fun to use. Oh, and there's a third type, which is teh_noobmeat, who runs around saying "u guyz, i jst uber pawend sum1 in a clna and it means im good" and things like that.

As for the takeover, let us not forget me suddenly becoming really celebritous, winning things, becoming moderator over the clans section... (I can make [Evil] say "zergzergzerg*gurgle**splat*", and I plan to at least once) and actually outposting Rubby. :o <- if he were making a sound, it would be kinda like "hwooohwhoh!"