Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Metal] Info

Metal, a solid material that is hard and shiny and often has a good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metal isn't just an object that is found around your neighborhood, or in your everyday objects. No, no... there is a much darker story behind "Metal".

Long time ago, there was a group of australopithecines that lived deep inside an ancient volcano. The volcano consisted of different, each representing a different rank in the community. On the very top was "Copper". The modern-day peasants, who live in dirty shacks with their tiny families. The second layer was "Iron". These people worked as blacksmiths and traders. They made enough money to get through the harsh environments. The thirds layer was "Gallium". They were the monks, nuns and priests, who have some say in the higher rank's business. The fourth layer was "Uranium". They were the nobles, princes and princesses. They looked after the well-being of the people. The fifth and final layer was "Platinum", which consisted of 2 kings who ruled over the whole kingdom. They were proud and modest rulers and everyone liked them.

Over time the kingdom started noticing electrical sensations in there bodies and started to feel rather stiff. One by one each person on each layer started turning into there own "Metal Class" (The layer they are on), and they slowly were buried amongst eachother deep in the volcano. Now, millions of years later, each layer has started to turn back into there original forms, but with metal skin, making there body complete armor. They now plan to take over the whole entire earth and rid the planet of the modern humans that live today.

Together they stand, together they charge, together they create.

We are Metal.

®lumpysolo 2013

A) General Rules

A.1 We do not accept multi clanning
A.2 Do not post anything that may offend or inflame another user.
That includes, but is not limited to:
Any sexually explicit images or language,
Graphic violence,
Offensive language that targets another based on gender, race, ethnicity, color, creed, religion or lifestyle.
A.3 Threatening, harassing, flaming or trolling anyone is not permitted. Any instance of misbehavior directed toward another user will result in any consequences deemed appropriate by Metal Mods
A.4 Inappropriate content that is not permitted on the forums includes (but is not limited to):
content that breaks any laws
copyright infringement (many MP3s, ROMs, etc.), warez, CD keys, cracks, passwords, serial numbers, etc.
gambling and drugs
hacking materials and information
trojans, viruses, worms, and other such harmful things
Trick links
Feedback or complaints that are not constructive or politely offered
YouTube links which contain innapropriate material
A.5 Spam is anything that is not directly related to the topic at hand, as well as any additions to a post that are deemed superfluous and unnecessary. This includes (but is not limited to):
Excessive smilies
Idle, offtopic chatter
Bumping a dead thread
Using all caps, oversized font or other excessive formatting such as color, font face, strikeouts, etc.
Double+ Posting: If you have the last post in a thread and want to add to it, please use the "Edit" button instead of making a further post
Use the PM system if you want to have a discussion with one person.
A.6 Invaders are only welcome in the chat thread, post in other areas may lead to exclusion of post

B) User

B.1 Clan rank positions cannot be applied for.
They are filled based on a list of criteria that is not released for public consumption. Asking is not encouraged
B.2 Do not impersonate leader or co-leader of the clan, or even any other clan member
B.3 Do not target, attack or flame other users in public or in private.
B.4 Any instances of flaming, trolling, harassment or any other behaviors deemed offensive or inappropriate are strictly prohibited. This extends to conduct in PM correspondences
B.5 Do not post in any other language than English.
B.6 Use understandable grammar to post.
B.7 Don't abuse colors.
B.8 About this, just have seriousness in correct times.
B.9 Respect everyone.

C) Clan Moderation

C.1 The responsibility of keeping the clan clean falls to the Clan mod; and Board local we maintain order and use us judgment to determine the best course of action when rules are violated
C.2 Rule violations should be left to Leader or Co-leader. If you consider the matter urgent, PM online moderator.
C.3 We have the final word.
C.4 We can delete, modify and close threads without notice
C.5 We can delete, modify post without notice

D) Creating new threads

D.1 Do not create a thread that already exists
D.2 Always use the [Metal] tag in the thread name
D.3 Do not create threads like ''hello'' or ''how are you guys today?''
D.4 Do not use profanity or something similar in the thread title
D.4 Add the maximum possible information in your thread
D.5 Always try to keep your thread updated

E) Wars

E.1 Be gentle with the other clans. Please!
E.2 Don't offend anyone, it counts in your clan too
E.3 If you aren't starting an war, respect the another clan rules.
E.4 No shovel, please.
E.5 AikidoBD wars
E.6 Everyone in the clan can start a war. If you're talking about TC wars, use your own TC.
E.7 No switches, I mean, if it's an 5x5 war, make it just 5, don't add more members.
E.8 Everyone needs play at atleast 1 match.
E.9 Doesn't matter if the winner stays or not.
E.10 All tc or items won in wars, should go to the bank

New rules can be added soon

You can found the Memberlist here.

Feel free to donate your tc for:

[X] Be official
[X] 10 members
[X] Manage 1 event
[X] Make 1 vid
[X] Complete 3 week
[X] An high activity rate
[X] Change the tag for (M)

Last edited by lolman101; Jan 18, 2014 at 12:30 AM.