Original Post
I just wanna see the activeness of the clan
This post is to see how many post on this because it is dependin on my staying in this Clan.......Because i have had offers in other clans but have not accepted due to my loyalty to a clan and if possible i will try and save this clan.....i will be checkin in to see but until then see ya'll
OUCH!!! You Kicked off my Head[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Don't say that. And frenchy, you aren't very active yourself. But, neither is this clan much, so I may as well leave soon too. -.-
Samule ak in active ha your a fag i am on TB everyday and anything that pertains to me in the forum i make the post but i have never even played you
and when i got recruited good ole emp said Judo MVP right here and i have no problem figthin you shit your not much i may have been in here after you but i think i am more mature enuff to run a clan unlike you
OUCH!!! You Kicked off my Head[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
kick: good clan lazy members i barly see any members on in game anymore at the begining of the year yous were activeish but now ur all just lazy
Originally Posted by Dexter
if god is with me and if i belived in god and im sure he is in the room with me, i just wish he brought a extention cord