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Teens joining gangs... dying from hazing, lmao
Why the fuck do teens join gangs and shit?

One sophomore died because of hazing. Why the heck do people wanna join gangs?

Died of hazing.... lmao, that is stupid. He wasn't hit on the head, the vital organs. Why the fuck would someone wanna join a gang? lmaooooo

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Do you want to join a gang?
Have you ever been in a gang?
Do you have a friend/s who is a gang member?
Why do some teens join gangs(?, lol) ?
Dying because of hazing, lmao, why do people go hazing if they know they'll die?

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Tell me your ideas on these "gangs" and "hazing".
hazing is a kind of "test" gangs use to see if wannabe-members will be loyal,
pretty much they just beat them..

anyway if you're stupid enough to get into that shit you're better off dead anyway.
zomfier: yea..... pointless.

alpha: I am in the Philippines. "hazing" They abuse you. They beat you up till you have like... bruises all over your body. They won't hit your head, your vital organs. lmao.

raaage: People nowadays are just.... ugh XD lmao
What else are some of these kids gunna do. I've seen it dozens of times, but these are restless people and can't simply sit around and get stoned, they Need that adrenaline rush and that sense of power and in control because it seems like in their normal lives they couldn't do much, parents and adults fail to see the signs, so they get into bad habits such as drinking there pains away as well a heavy drugs.
Bored teenagers who want to be part of a group of other bored teenagers with no discernible futures.

I understand why people do would maybe want to join them, but it is still idiotic and overall pointless.

Be a productive individual.

Violent gang activity is something I feel is different, and I do not know too much on the subject so...

Ala Discussion