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easiest way to counter a shovel?
I don't even need a detailed response just some kinda tip, because once it starts I lose 100%.
i think he means the move
Hold all extend hips and glutes contract pec and lower shoulders and grab
next turn contract glutes contract or extend abs and raise shoulders
if i am right just shovel back.
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you mean when they lower their arms and like put them around your waist or something, then commence to lift or push you out?
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i dont mean opener basically what ur saying thepirateking im talking about in the middle of match when your feet leave the ground and ur opponent pushes you out to win with ease.
If that's what you mean either counter shovel or move to the side, they'll have forward momentum, if youre grabbing them usually you'll end up on top and make them DQ first.
Get yourself really close to them to try and get yoir feet on the ground or try to pull them to you and out of the ring while you're in the air.
Last edited by Hamza; Jun 2, 2015 at 01:24 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Qubic (afaik) created the best lift/shovel counter I've seen in a long time. Of course the joint movements vary, but when most people shovel or lift, they start walking. When they start walking, they have very little ground contact, so what you do is raise your arms and get as high as possible with as much up and backwards momentum as possible. Then you pull the person up towards you and they will get pulled under you. Then just push them down and tada, you win.

This ofc won't work 100% of the time, but it damn well beats doing nothing.
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Originally Posted by Tilz View Post
i dont mean opener basically what ur saying thepirateking im talking about in the middle of match when your feet leave the ground and ur opponent pushes you out to win with ease.

That's a lift. Not a shovel. They are not the same thing.
But. A common counter I find relatively effectively is to raise your shoulders and contract your elbows. Of course, that puts you in the territory of self grabbing your own shoulders, so you have to be careful about it.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Not really into this kind of mod, but everytime I got lifted I always try to relax most of my joints because I found it make you easily to fix your body position after being lifted especially legs.
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First off, definitions.

A shovel is a very specific opener. It almost always involves lowering your shoulders on turn one, and raising them on turn two, with the goal of getting really good grabs in really good areas forcing you out of the arena. The old school shovel of just like contract pecs lower shoulders has seen a lot of evolutions where you see people contracting knees and jumping up, etc. etc.

What you're describing is a lift. A lift is simply one the opponent has exposed a weakness in your footing and looks to win the game by moving you out of the dojo. Because you're mentioning it, it sounds like you're allowing yourself to be lifted to begin with. You should be striving to be underneath your opponent, lower to the ground, using the forces of the ground to direct where you want your opponent to go. If you're letting yourself get off the ground, maybe you're doing some goofy kick with only one foot planted or what have you, you'll lose contact with the ground, making your opponent continuously have an advantage by virtue of more easily creating and changing momentum with his contact against the ground.

Obviously sometimes you'll be lifted. Either by your mistake or your opponent doing something smart. There's a hundred million case specific answers on how to get back to the ground. And it's all super specific to the situation at hand. Best advice is learn how to pull yourself close to the opponent.
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