Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Lately I was concerned of what you guys thought about me, you don't notice me these days lurking arround, thats because I found a job wich is really imortant to me.

And lately I dont play toribash this much.
I got bored of playing since 2008, I returned just for the sake of nostalgia but then again my will to continue to play this game has been depleted, also the moderators are the same maximum douchebags as they always was, but that does not mean Im leaving toribash.

I just want to tell you that, My activity will be decreased possibly from 70% to 30%.

Im sorry guys, Life in Greece is just terrible and every second counts.
Last edited by Slanesh; Dec 18, 2011 at 04:49 PM.
Its fine.
At least you took the time to set out your reason properly.
Take off all the time you want.
I understand your situation.
Originally Posted by PlayerID57 View Post
Im sorry guys, Life in Greece is just terrible and every second counts.

Take your time.
In Portugal the situation isin't getting any better as well.
Good luck and I hope to see you back on again.
Also I'm going to Stick this thread so all members can post in one single thread.
Do you really think you're in control
Billy don't delete threads.
They may not be as important ,but they will get lost in the forums some day.