Original Post
dropping the shitposting tone i take with the messages i send on this forum for a second to say that i think its very telling how willing most of you are to dogpile on me for retaliating for the shit i've had to put up with my entire time playing this game. like did no one see or care how much i complained about being sexually harassed on this game just for being a woman, the kinds of things people would say to me made me feel incredibly unsafe in a game i'd been playing for ongoing 10 years. as a life long victim of sexual violence i genuinely just cannot put up with being hit on or poked at sexually in any way because of my childhood trauma. i know that you dont care about a random tidbit about just some toribash users life but to me any time i was reminded of sex it took me back to that hell place. never do i ever want to be reminded of what i have had to go through as a child but every day in my favorite game people would force me to remember it by saying disgusting things to me just because im a girl. the few staff members who were willing to help me with these kinds of issues are gone now. personally i would not trust someone who engages with drawn porn of underaged girls, or someone who makes attempts to humanize those who commit vile acts on innocent children. after being humiliated in a public server because i was groomed when i was trying to tell a concerned mother who took the keyboard and asked something like "is this game okay for kids?". at the time i was sortof friends with ancient and i mentioned it to him and reported the people initiating it and nothing ever happened from it. no one was punished for ruining my day and sending me spiraling into a panic attack because well who wants to be laughed at for being targeted by a known sexual predator who was somehow allowed in toribash clan discords. because its my fault that i didnt know mrmiyagi had a habit of sexting underaged girls, and was just gonna do it to me in the main chat. ez dodge or bad imo. after i had cashed out of the game on my main account i made it my mission to just be a pain in the ass. mainly because i wanted to play the game i still enjoyed but also now that i didnt have like 400 bucks in my inventory i could lose for being a prick i could release my frustrations on the community that was constantly reminding me of the last thing i wanted to think about in my entire life. i wanted to see how it would look if i spoke my true feelings about the people who play this game. the answer i see now disgusts me. any one of you could have done something to help me with the issue of being sexually harassed daily. none of you chose to. the only times i remember someone helping me is samurai before he was staff, athin, and piss. to them i owe a lot of gratitude of course, but the small number of people who were willing to see that i was struggling is really really telling. and its more telling to see how you all treat me when i take off my filter of "fitting in". i know clearly that i have broken rules a lot of the time, and im not saying that im exempt from all rules because i have trauma, i mainly broke rules for fun because i just do not care anymore. but i feel very strongly that i have been treated unfairly. not that any staff members have enough of a moral compass to see that seeing as how they might as well just start embracing it the way they have ignored everything. even when i was staff i felt powerless to punish people who had been causing me so much of these awful thoughts. i was scared i would be banfired for admin abuse. you could probably understand why i would be so anti-everyone when i shitpost on here, because it feels like every single person in this community is constantly working against me and trying to make me suffer. every day i played the game i love to be reminded of my personal hell and no one cared. and thats why you see me schitzo posting on here saying shit like i want you all dead!!! its because 1. i think its funny 2. i hate most of you 3. i gots problemz :P and ur an asshole for not letting a girl be silly and have fun :33333
oh... i didntknow you had problems... sorry
that guy who said you need the iq of a golf ball to get groomed on tb is nasty... bro wont know the pain (in which i dont either.)
bike is the best emoji. never remove
aka trollface person
Hi, I finished enough of my day-to-day and my things to procrastinate with that I'm now going to dissect the post and respond to the segments that (I think) need it.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
dropping the shitposting tone i take with the messages i send on this forum for a second to say that i think its very telling how willing most of you are to dogpile on me for retaliating for the shit i've had to put up with my entire time playing this game.

Cool, dropping the 'shitposting' is always good. I think your recent behaviour is far beyond just 'shitposting' but I'll assume that's just an opinion on the expression itself.
Re: the "dogpiling" specifically, yeah. Looks shitty. However, the behaviour you put out invites similar behaviour you bring in. The subject matter may vary, and some of the subject matter or shit that gets thrown your way is, by all accounts, absolutely shocking.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
like did no one see or care how much i complained about being sexually harassed on this game just for being a woman, the kinds of things people would say to me made me feel incredibly unsafe in a game i'd been playing for ongoing 10 years.


Can you link me to any reports or posts that were made for this claim specifically? If you've made it on an alt and/or can't find it yourself just tell me what kind of things/language/names/dates I should be searching the forums for.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
as a life long victim of sexual violence i genuinely just cannot put up with being hit on or poked at sexually in any way because of my childhood trauma. i know that you dont care about a random tidbit about just some toribash users life but to me any time i was reminded of sex it took me back to that hell place. never do i ever want to be reminded of what i have had to go through as a child but every day in my favorite game people would force me to remember it by saying disgusting things to me just because im a girl. the few staff members who were willing to help me with these kinds of issues are gone now.

I understand that such discussions make you uncomfortable. So I won't try dive into anything via this post. I will say that the content you can allow to be read can be edited by simply ignore/block functions ingame. I also found an old (Credits to Box) script that effectively allows you to substitute words out for others. Currently it doesn't work but I'll bother a script person to see if they can update it in their spare time. Assassinpro did the updates when I caught him online. Many thanks to him.

It would suck to be reminded of a traumatic time in ones life, especially on a topic that is often discussed by the ages and egos that exists around the current toribash userbase. It's due to this I question your continued participation in it, you're going so far as to actively and obsessively try to get banned in what looks like an obscure attempt at temporary martyrdom.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
personally i would not trust someone who engages with drawn porn of underaged girls, or someone who makes attempts to humanize those who commit vile acts on innocent children.

Nor should anyone imo. That's a pretty solid position to take.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
After being humiliated in a public server because i was groomed when i was trying to tell a concerned mother who took the keyboard and asked something like "is this game okay for kids?". at the time i was sortof friends with ancient and i mentioned it to him and reported the people initiating it and nothing ever happened from it.

The first part jumps from 0 to 100. It would probably be considered 'oversharing' to go from a mother concerned about the content of the chat that their child was in to divulging an instance of grooming. But if you felt it necessary to go into that much detail at the time then that's your call.

Can't speak for Ancients participation but you specifically mention a report being made here. I wasn't able to find it, do you have a record? I'll ask Ancient too fwiw.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
sending me spiraling into a panic attack because well who wants to be laughed at for being targeted by a known sexual predator who was somehow allowed in toribash clan discords.

No one, that would be a rough thing to go through. I should point out that if no one reported a predator then staff isn't going to know either.
See: Hanna's ban right after the allegations came out and they left the server, without responding or explaining the situation to users or staff.

Clan discords can't be moderated by staff. If clans stuck to their clan board and utilised the rules that come with it, we would at least have some kind of 'opportunity' to help, but discords aren't something we can request or demand control over. The people that get let in are wholly up to the clan/people holding the discord perms.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
because its my fault that i didnt know mrmiyagi had a habit of sexting underaged girls, and was just gonna do it to me in the main chat.

It's not your fault at all. That's entirely on him.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
after i had cashed out of the game on my main account i made it my mission to just be a pain in the ass.

We aren't a 'rage room' for you to take out your pain/anger/rage/agression/etc on. We can and will only deal with the situations that get reported and/or appear in front of us. Lately, that's often you, and we have to deal with the situations as they appear.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
mainly because i wanted to play the game i still enjoyed but also now that i didnt have like 400 bucks in my inventory i could lose for being a prick i could release my frustrations on the community that was constantly reminding me of the last thing i wanted to think about in my entire life.

As I said in the previous part, we aren't here to be some therapy option for absorbing your chosen method of release. Also, coming here to purposefully forget something when you say people are reminding you of it sounds like a spiral of pure pain and trauma. I would suggest you find other, separate places to both release your stress and spend some time on.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
any one of you could have done something to help me with the issue of being sexually harassed daily. none of you chose to. the only times i remember someone helping me is samurai before he was staff, athin, and piss. to them i owe a lot of gratitude of course, but the small number of people who were willing to see that i was struggling is really really telling.

Not everyone will see what you go through, I searched up two words you specifically mentioned here and didn't find anything where you said what you were going through. Granted I'm not active very often, and often only on request these days so I could be a bad example but if you actively reach out to people, the ones that disregard and ignore you are likely also people you should not speak too again. Even more so if they are staff members, possibly including them in a report you make via the forums/to higher staff. I would hope I speak for all of the current admins/leads and above that I absolutely want to be told 100% of the time if a staff member was not taking a report seriously when it's a subject like this post specifically mentions.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
and its more telling to see how you all treat me when i take off my filter of "fitting in".

There is always a difference between "taking off a filter" and "completely being insulting and making inflammatory remarks"
You claim the first. Still, barring this post specifically since you decided to remove said filter, most of what I've seen under your name(s) alls into the second section.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
i know clearly that i have broken rules a lot of the time, and im not saying that im exempt from all rules because i have trauma, i mainly broke rules for fun because i just do not care anymore.

To tie into the bit above, you can type your thoughts up and express them, even your (putting it lightly) "dissatisfaction" with the situation and the history of your own experiences. But if your process involves breaking the rules and only being genuine in your efforts to get banned, then it shines through.
Your "posts made to break the rules" and this post ring completely differently.
Because they are.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
but i feel very strongly that i have been treated unfairly.

If you've made reports about situations and had them ignored. Then it's likely that you have been treated badly and/or the person did not deal with the situation appropriately.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
not that any staff members have enough of a moral compass to see that seeing as how they might as well just start embracing it the way they have ignored everything.

Not relevant to the thread as a whole, but if there's ever a discussion over the 'moral compass' of a staff member then it's treated seriously. I'd suggest that if there's ever a valid concern about a staff members ethical/moral stances that it be reported to the higher ranks of staff asap. (Even my name should that be a concern/required)

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
even when i was staff i felt powerless to punish people who had been causing me so much of these awful thoughts. i was scared i would be banfired for admin abuse.

It dawns on me here that I'm a tad disconnected here because I didn't know/don't remember you being staff.
That aside, we don't really let staff handle their own cases because it would open up all sorts of accusations of bias and those moral compass issues you've mentioned before. So while you might have been growled at, if you were proven right on all counts that's likely all it would have amounted too. (As long as it didn't become the normal way you did things)

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
you could probably understand why i would be so anti-everyone when i shitpost on here,

Yes and no.
I would understand if you had the longest block/ignore lists in the history of the game and forum.
I'd understand completely if you only ever played in passworded rooms with a very small group of people day to day.
I'd see the reasoning if you just didn't play multiplayer and only did singleplayer.

I'd see the reasoning if your 'shitposting' wasn't so insulting and was just the equivalent of;
> Dark joke
> haha
> bottom text

(Goomba specifically springs to mind when I mention shitposts that aren't outrageously offensive 99% of the time)
But those aren't the posts your making. So no, I don't understand.

To be clear, I follow the train of logic and thought behind why you make those posts. But it doesn't make sense to me why you chose them as your outlet.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
because it feels like every single person in this community is constantly working against me and trying to make me suffer.

But you know that's not true objectively.

You've got some people purposefully being shitty to you. Some of them are doing it because you're being/have been shitty to them in the past
Those people aren't in the right, of course. Neither are you though.

Originally Posted by yanqui View Post
every day i played the game i love to be reminded of my personal hell and no one cared. and thats why you see me schitzo posting on here saying shit like i want you all dead!!! its because 1. i think its funny 2. i hate most of you 3. i gots problemz :P and ur an asshole for not letting a girl be silly and have fun :33333

1) that's a disappointing reason.
2) that's a disappointing reason and must be a super saddening way to torment yourself by signing up/in to a place you objectively dislike being a part of.
3) none of them can be solved by making offensive post after offensive post here, being objective we aren't able to really help with most things that go deeper than "make the report and we will deal with it". We aren't therapists and the forum isn't a pillow to scream into.

Anyone on the forum/in the game that stops you from being "silly" or stops you from trying to "have fun" is always someone you can /should report/ignore/block.

I am also closing this thread because it should not turn into a discussion that I suspect it will turn into considering how the thread has gone previously. Please send anything you want to add into my forum inbox or my discord.


Finally, shout out to Assassinpro who fixed up that old script from 2008 made by Box before I clicked post
It is attached to this post.
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