Original Post
Am I wrong for being mad?
So in an attempt to make my story as short as possible, here goes.

In 2005 when I was about 7, I got a gamecube, for my birthday. Had a lot of fun with it.

Now, around in 2009 my brother moved to my grandmothers house to go highschool. He took my gamecube and was supposed to switch off for a weekend. I didnt get it back for 3-4 years. I told my brother about it he told me to fuck off and use the wii. He takes it to some nerd convention where they play Magic the Gathering.

I asked my mom about it. she said, "it was a family gift. you can share." (my birthday present is a family gift.)

now, hes off to college! and he took MY GameCube. in Alabama. so now, I will never see it again.

I feel like murdering this person.

You may be asking yourself/ telling me,
"Gee "smokinonthatkk" Why should you care about a fucking gamecube this much?"

Sentimental value.

"Hes your brother. relax. things like this always happen."

insert Long uninteresting story about how he treated me.

"why did you make this thread?"

Its always nice to have a discussion topic based on social experiences.

"You sound like a weirdo, stop making threads like these."
Will do.
No, I would be pissed if my brother took the Xbox... we both play it a lot and I probably play it more than him so I would be mad. But the fact it was your present means it's your property so he has no right to steal it. For all you know, he has lost it.
It's not really our call to say whether you should be mad or not, because we don't know the full story, simple.
You choose your own emotions and how you want to react to things.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
We dont value YOUR gamecube as much as you do, so we cannot really give a straight answer. oh wait

get over it. Really, it has been 9 years you can easily forget about it.

Sure sure playing games on it brings nostalgia/happiness, but is that all you need in life or rater do you need it that much?

I kind of dont want to have deep discussions with someoe amed smokinonthatkk.

hopefully you are not deak.
Originally Posted by duck View Post
We dont value YOUR gamecube as much as you do, so we cannot really give a straight answer. oh wait

get over it. Really, it has been 9 years you can easily forget about it.

Sure sure playing games on it brings nostalgia/happiness, but is that all you need in life or rater do you need it that much?

I kind of dont want to have deep discussions with someoe amed smokinonthatkk.

hopefully you are not deak.

just because its not essential doesnt mean he shouldnt want it back. i have a console that is like 20 years old or smth and that i love very much. i would be very sad if it stopped working. and it is not only nostalgia value, i regularly play games on it

althought there is not really much you can do right now. should have stolen and hid it before he took it away, thats what i do when my sister steals my things
Last edited by pusga; Aug 17, 2014 at 12:48 AM.
oh yeah
I value these opinions. Thank you all.

I am not deak, I am the animated being of his ego.

on a bright side my mom finally realized what was wrong, told my brother to mail it back.
Lemme get this straight.

You have a device that plays Gamecube games at the exact same settings, and plays more games to boot.

You value said Gamecube for sentimental value to the point that you're now hating your brother because he has it, and even express murderous intent because of it.

You value possessing a specific Gamecube, over the sentimental value of just having any Gamecube, or playing a Gamecube game.

And you're 16?

No offense, but you need to get over yourself. If you can't let go of something after not having it for more years than you've owned it, you're going to have serious problems adapting to reality.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games