Original Post
Need help!
hi, can anybody make a script to you can chat with everyone?
(when he's online, hehe)

example: when a friend is in "intermediate" i cant chat with him because i'm blue belt...

Impossible that I know of.
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men
Originally Posted by junibug View Post
Or you could just get alt accs and work them up to correct belt and spectate in the servers...

are you joking, true? ·_·"
you can talk via query with him /wh his_name msg
and then it will open a whisper chat, you can talk with him and with your sever at the same time, no need of a script

0ri im sure it's impossible but like som1 said above me i wud say the right thing is to go to IRC with him tell him to go to IRC via message btw..


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Gamer Of Gamers
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