Original Post
Turning on Joints texture
So yeah i actived my joints texture but it doesnt show in my screen.
Is there any /opt command about joints texture?
There isn't one babe dl urself - relaunch - new game (x12) - relaunch repeat
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
What I do whenever I upload a new texture :
1. Use /dl command until finish
2. Visit the ToriShop if the texture still won't appear
[Steam] [Art] [Music]
its black glimp check out my actived. Im talking about the joints not my full 512

EDIT : I just take a look at my custom folders, it says that i have a full 128, i opened the pictures and its all black exactly what i uploaded earlier. I also tried /dl and /lp'ing peoples that has full 512 joints and their joint texture don't show up at my screen. So yeah i think i disabled joint texture but i didn't realize it. Halp
Last edited by Fairfang; Sep 26, 2015 at 04:28 PM.
Um, well they just show up at my screen, so it's a problem at your side.

Reinstalling would probably help, can't think of an easyer way right now.
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