Original Post
What counts as porn here?
I've noticed if you censor the nether regions that doesnt count as 'posting porn' here.what does count as porn here, anyway? besides uncensored nether regions.
Linking it is considered bad, The only way for it not to be considered basically, is covering up everything that isn't their face.

Maybe, just like, don't post porn?
Last edited by Worm; Sep 24, 2015 at 01:53 PM.
It's pretty straightforward and I personally hate the fact that these things need to be spelled out but whatever, it's a fairly subjective thing so it could be useful to get some clarification I guess.
basically to be safe: keep it safe for work/pg rated.

Before you post an image ask yourself:
"If this came up on my screen with my boss/grandma/little brother etc looking over my shoulder would a reasonable person following reasonable community standards be worried?"
If the answer is yes then you've probably overstepped and are in territory that can get you into trouble. There'll be some differences mod to mod with how they judge the situation and whatnot but if you follow that you'll be absolutely fine.
but nipples (not boobs) are okay

The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.