Original Post
You can stop ToriBooster subscriptions via Paypal.
1. Log in to your PayPal account and go to the "History" subtab of the "My Account" tab.
2. Choose "Subscriptions" from the pull-down "Show" menu.
3. Press the "Submit" button. Choose this subscription, and click on its "Status."
4. You will be taken to a Transaction Details page from which you may cancel your subscription.
Cancelling your subscription will immediately stop all future scheduled payments for this subscription.
Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
You can stop ToriBooster subscriptions via Paypal.
1. Log in to your PayPal account and go to the "History" subtab of the "My Account" tab.
2. Choose "Subscriptions" from the pull-down "Show" menu.
3. Press the "Submit" button. Choose this subscription, and click on its "Status."
4. You will be taken to a Transaction Details page from which you may cancel your subscription.
Cancelling your subscription will immediately stop all future scheduled payments for this subscription.

Thank u Kyle i canceled the subscription for now, just dont have the money anymore for it.
Originally Posted by Fluz View Post
Couka, i guess you have to close this thread...

Well i'm not the best on paypal but i tried help you too.

If i helped that's cool! if i don't helped it's ok


Thanks fluz :3