Original Post
Give me a couple room names
Could someone just post a couple of room names which I could use to join via
/jo [room name]
I have a bug so this is the only way I can play multiplayer, I would appreciate a few names of 500tc tourney rooms.
The names of these rooms are changeable, so I don't really think there's any sense in posting this thread.
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3
There is no exatcly name of room, it can be "hampa" "lol" "xD" "spreadthegoatse1337" or whatever shit that players name. It's random, it isn't static.
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3
I'll post all the tourney rooms.

tourney1-Ninjutsu (500 TC)
tourney2-Aikidobigdojo (500 TC)
tourney3-Taekkyon (750 TC)
hampa-Aikido (500 TC)
tourney8-Aikido (500 TC)
3-Aikido (500 TC)
tourney5-Wushu (750 TC)
tourney6-Judo (500 TC)
tourney9-Twinswords (500 TC)
reasonably happy | if gamer grill inbx me | Nightin: hack THIS *unzips dick*
until next time
Maybe he wants his own room name that he could use everytime he makes a room?

Like a permanent room name.

I just use the last 4 letters of my name.