Original Post
How many are there?
How many ub3r are there?
How many Raconteurs are there?
How many Chatterboxes are there?
How many Flagrant Memes are there?

How many 2nd Dans are there?
How many 10th DANS are there?
How many Custom belts are there?
How many Master belts are there?
How many God belts are there?

How many clans are there? (official and non official/up and running)
How many organizations are there?

How many IRC owners are there?

How many local mods are there?
How many VIP users are there?
How many Texture maker are there?
dude, those are questions you could never answer, becuase they increase and decrease every day , you could only give an average like
example: official and non official clans = 33.2 per month
and something like that
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

i dont realy know whats the average of the total players ,clans etc. but you could look at the upper right of this page , in th really uper right
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

He doesn't. Also, it would be impossible to find all this out because by the time someone counted, it will have changed. Closed.
Opening this so I can answer a few of the easier ones.
There are 81 official clans.
There are 12 IRCops
Current IRCops:

(copied from the wibbles thread)
There are only two or three god belts, gman tested the belt system all the way up to elite belt, jepoy was the first to reach god belt, and there may be a few more.
There are 16 official organizations.
No idea how many texture makers there are, check GATA's member list or look at the texture expo for a rough overview.

Finally, don't make threads for the sake of making them, I doubt you really want to know the answer to all but a few of these.
Buy TC for a great price here!
Buy VIP and Toriprime for a great price here!

Hey look more than two lines.
Since he posted a complaint about it lets have a go at it.

How many ub3r are there?
How many Raconteurs are there?
How many Chatterboxes are there?
How many Flagrant Memes are there?

How many 2nd Dans are there?
How many 10th DANS are there?
How many Custom belts are there?
How many Master belts are there?
How many God belts are there?

Look up how many people have achieved that belt award, then subtract from that the people who have achieved the next highest belt, i.e. for 2nd dans:

5567 2nd dans - the 3482 of those people who have earned a 3rd dan black belt and you get 2085 current 2nd dans. Though, these figures seem a bit low for some reason.

How many clans are there? (official and non official/up and running)
How many organizations are there?

To count the official clans you can use this:
Subtracting the ones which were used for testing. By the time you count up all the active clans, official and unofficial it would be about 80 give or take 25 or so. Can't really get an exact number for it anyway.

As for the organisations, just count the threads and sub forums.

How many local mods are there?
How many VIP users are there?
How many Texture maker are there?

You'll have to ask an admin nicely if you REALLY have to know the exact number. There's probably over 1000 users with local mod powers, but it depends what boards you want to count and whether you take into account which ones are actually active.