Original Post
Walk or Run
How can i make my tori do a really awesome run or preferably walk. It just needs really good style.

I will give 1k - 10k tc if its good. Thanks
do you know how to run? Go to running.tbm Press c contract both hips and contract abs space 1x relax all then hold all again like that one?
Prox11 Moderated Message: You have been banned good luck
try this:

Contract both hips.
Contract both elbows.
Relax biceps.

space x1

conract left hip and relax knee.
space x2

extend left knee
conract right hip and relax knee.

and repeat that and you will find your self running.
Pretty sure he means elbow. Thats a simplistic run. You want a walk, right?
Youtube is your friend in this case.
look in engraze replay, in Hack clan
you probbaly like it
iam study walk and run from replay engraze
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