Original Post
Roman Numeral
okay, i am writing a book where this guy finds a latitude and longitude of in roman numerals. i tried plugging it in to a generator, but it didn't accept the number because it's too large.
so, if anybody could turn this into a roman numeral, that would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

To be correct there would be no X.Y but insted X/Y. Its a time period thing, If you want I can work it out for you if you like but Ill have to do it later
The numbers behind the dot are too high to put into roman numerals, or you'd get a whole shitload of M's, because there is no higher number in roman numerals.

EDIT: Wait, I'll just cut off the last number, is that okay?

Replace the underlined M's with M's with a horizontal bar over it, which means 10000.
Last edited by Chartle; Aug 1, 2009 at 04:04 PM.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
The horizontal bar above a roman numeral means 'times 1,000'.
For example a 'V' with a horizontal bar would be 5,000. If a 'V' had two horizontal bars above it, it would be 5,000,000. At least, I THINK you could have more then one horizontal bars.

Also, lol at iPingu's sig. Only loled cos of the words below it.
According to Wikipedia, you can put a paranthesis around the letters instead of a bar above them, so here goes:


I think. The paranthesises mean that the number inside should be multiplied by 1000.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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