Original Post
Sometimes it's just hard
You all know what I'll soon be talking about. Especially fellow FPS regulars.

You can be damn good at a game, you can be a familiar, even feared face to all the other people in the servers - but some days...some days it just doesn't work out that well.

This usually leads to ragequitting, as most people experiencing this will rightfully be thinking: "God-fucking-dammit, I'm too bloody awesome to have a negative K/D." They will then try focusing and doing better, but nothing seems to help. In the end they're left with frustration and a feeling that they have been hard done. "This shit should not be able to beat me."

Why do you think that occasionally, everything goes in the shitter no matter what you try? What are the causes? How can you prevent it?
Same thing happened to me on MOH Heroes 2 on PSP. I was a regular in the servers, and a member of a good, respected clan, and all of a sudden I my K/D ratio plummeted...
As before I was getting 20 kills to 4/5 deaths, it suddenly was negative by a considerable margin.
Now I never go on PSP so I can't tell you anything else ;)
[2nd Dan]-[Sigma]
Gynx's brick pimp ^^. "Gynx": A brick has holes, what more do you want?
I only came here for the thread name.

Also, yeah, that happens to me a lot. It's pretty much on a multitude of games, fps, racing, fighting, etc. In fps it tends to effect me the most though. Especially with snipers. Those god damn snipers.
I Only ever rage quit when you shoot a guy 50 time with your gun, and one shot from his gun kills your instantly.

anyone who plays FPS's knows what I'm talking about.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Yes, I know what you mean.

This is probably why I don't play COD4 online anymore >_>
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
I Only ever rage quit when you shoot a guy 50 time with your gun, and one shot from his gun kills your instantly.

anyone who plays FPS's knows what I'm talking about.


Css spawn killing in surfing maps.

It's a vicious circle. When one player gets your number, you start to look out for his tactics and try adjusting your own to catch him off-guard. Of course, this usually gets you killed more, so you try harder, so on, so on, ragequit. Happens to me a lot in Killzone. I usually blow it off by switching weapons and ignoring it all or giving up on my k/d and working on my melee kill achievements. Getting dominated like that is more of a mindscrew than it is a lack of skill.
Killzone 2 bleh, I'm usually pretty badass at it, but sometimes there's those days where you keep getting shot in the head with the first round to come out of the enemy's barrel.
When that happens, I try different classes, this usually results in me being out of my normal nature, and starting to miss shots because I'm not used to the gun's recoil or accuracy.
Failure ensues .__.
hehe, im a sniper nerd on almost all FPS games, but i still hate it on css, i clearly shoot someone in the head with a awp, and there is blood on his head, and he just fills me with lead and im dead... who the fuck survives an awp shot to the head? and he still had 100 hp, happens all the time for me...
* ego gently touches Snorlaxen's manly chest while shivering at the thought of being caught out here alone with him.