Original Post
Here it is.

So like, probably one of the biggest WoW clone games around to date. It's pretty damn fun. Based on the whole warring factions, multiple classes, multiple races thing. About 4 maps per faction and a fair few PvP areas (called Borderlands) It seems like a nice game from what I've played.

The two factions are Alliance of Light and Union of Fury. My rl buddies and I are all in the Union of Fury. My buddies are lvl 13 and I'm 19 so we haven't played for long. Here's a bit of a review of the classes you can pick.

Warrior/Fighter - The big beat 'em up superpowerful attack class. Med attack speed but high damage.

- The tank, you take all the hits whilte your teammates deal damage. Pretty slow attack speed and med attack.

- Biggest bastard around, you're based on getting critical hits and removing enemies so you can rape them even harder and faster. Very fast attack speed med-high damage.

Hunter/Archer - Ranged coward X: You've pretty much got to be supported by a melee class to be powerful, med attack speed, med damage but powerful buffs.

Pagan/Mage - Offensive magic class, you're for nuking the enemy too much, however you need to be supported by a melee once again. High magic damage, low attack speed and damage.

- Healer/support class, don't solo with them, you're only for partying and supporting. Slow attack speed and low damage, powerful spells.

So yeah, download it and post your nick on here if you like. I'll add you and help you level and shit (unless you already play and are higher than me) but that's only if you're from the Union. Sigmaphi is downloading it soon and I think Malvado already has it. Make sure you join the server Gaia if you wanna play with us.

For now, here's some some screenies of my Assassin.

Bottom one is me with my favourite weapon, the Lunatic Blue :3.

Playing list:

Phail - Eradicas - Level 21 Assassin, Granis - Level 13 Hunter
Sigmaphi - Sigmaphi - Level 14 Warrior
Chrisdom - ChrisDom - Level (forgot) Pagan
Dalir - edit it in D:<
Last edited by phail; Sep 27, 2009 at 12:05 PM.
lead Sigma
No. lol I accidently shut down my computer and the dl went with it.

Crapperjacks, gonna redl.
[T] | ORMO
[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?
I have negative experiences with Aeria games and looked past Shaiya many times. Though I may download it at school this time since Toribash dudes are in here. I am highly liable to quit really fast since I have another MMO I'm currently spazzing on.

Also: I instinctively tried to delete that spambot two posts up.
Last edited by Guv_na; Sep 26, 2009 at 07:12 AM.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."