Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
'Fail' Moments
Alright, this thread is for you to share your daily fail moments.. I've got one from today even.

So I'm walking through school and me and my friend take a shortcut through the theater. It's pitchblack in there and we can't see a damn thing other than our objective: the door. Pretty soon a group of girls comes by and, for some reason, one of them says "Baa". I pause. Then I say "Oh sh*t, it's a sheep!" and take off running (In good humor!). I catch up to my friend and we're about ten feet from the door, when WHAM! Out of the darkness comes the table. I see it at the last moment and attempt to dodge; too late. My left leg connects with the table and chair, I do a barrel roll and end up landing on my knee. LOL. It was great. For a few minutes I couldn't get up 'cause my knee hurt like hell.

Tell us yours! NOW!
Proud Co-Leader of Renegade.
You caught me...

Of the many days that I don't fail (usually 364/365), I happened to fail today:

Just like aforementioned, I was at school, when I am also walking in the hallway. It's the middle of the year, and I am thinking about classes, when suddenly I find myself in another class. I've been sitting there for about 10 minutes, and no one has noticed when the teacher asked me wtf am I. I get up and say "I was just conducting tests. As you were.......peasants...."

I have never failed quite as much as that.
Ironic, your name is MrNinja.. Ninjas do not fall down stairs. They jump down, do a flip or two, and stab someone in the face. All while eating lunch.
Last edited by rawrman; Feb 2, 2010 at 01:50 AM.
Proud Co-Leader of Renegade.
Originally Posted by mrninja View Post
my former username was gta3

i remember you, and you're a godawful person.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [pee@NUP-6C9C98D4.elisa-laajakaista.fi] [Quit:]
The teacher was passing a paper around for the class to see, seeing as I had just woken from a glorious nap, when it came to me I shoved it in my book bag. Later on in the class the teacher asks "Where is that piece of paper I had going around the room?" It got all quiet and I had realized what had happened. I said semi loudly "Oh fail.", facepalmed and took the paper out of my bag and proceeded to pass it around the class.
my fail moment was when i was doing a test and i looked up after i finished a hard problem, meanwhile, our teacher went outside so we had a random teacher come in to make sure we werent cheating..just as i was looking up, the sub said "keep your eyes on your own paper" and i was like ok. and then she was like "actually, i would feel better if you moved over here". so i had to get up during the middle of the test and sit somewhere else. so embarrassed ):
One time In class I believe the begging of this year actually I was taking a nap in home room/1st block and It was half way through the class period. well in my dream I was having the bell had rung and I was still half asleep so I picked up my book-sack and walked out the door without knowing a thing. Then suddenly I looked around and no one is in the hallway. I suddenly heard distant laughing from my home room/1st block. I walked back in and face palmed my selfing saying WoW I fail.