Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Failed Activity Check & Warning
Hi there Fr3styL - you've failed the new-style of activity check where we monitor you and see whether or not your activity is sufficient enough to stay alive. If you fail again, your clan will be pending removal. Please step up the activity if you want to stick around
collect snots from the nose
Guys, what do you think?
Are we ready to die?

If not, should we look for new members?
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Me neither but it's only you, Nate and me.
That and we aren't even that active.

So we either need more members or we need to let this go..
Which do you prefer?
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I'd say get more players, well selected ones.
Mainly so we still have a place where we get together from time to time.
How should we set up the recruiting?
What are features you'd like our new recruits to have?

I'd like them to have a somewhat similar taste in music, film and arts.
Should be mature enough to have a conversation with :]

Maybe we should host a small event?
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
An even sounds fairly fun.
I'd definitely look at the personality mainly as you mentioned. Some cool kids, maturely immature, fun type. Preferably avoiding immature, negative people. Keep it fun and positive and sexy. Keep the reputation of the team.
Last edited by Rooyall; Dec 18, 2014 at 06:13 PM.
Alright, so an event that gets us the people we want.
I'm trying to think of an event on how to get members but all I can think of is art-challenges.
That's kind of unfair for the rest.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
It could be some sort of talent related.
Like dunno painting, textures, music making, video, replays. General talent competition. That makes it more fair thowards everyone.
Sounds like a great idea.
Tori-Talent Show

Then we do a small chapter about Fr3styL and how we improvise.
A talent show actually fits our clan very well. Nice!

Would you like to help me make a banner?
Some sort of funny talent show-like picture?

I'm thinking a Tori displaying some singing with a reached-out-arm dancemove on a podium in a theater or something.
Would be fun, if we can make it not too time consuming.

I've got the image clear in my head but am very curious to what you are thinking about.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.