Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[App] Franman
Name:Frandavi. Nicknames-Fran,Davi and Franman but no one calls me Franman,but I Would like to be called Franman.

Age:14 act pretty mature for my age.


Why do you want to join? Before Core sadly died I have trained in the inspiration of many Tribe members I gave my all to one day become something that I always looked up to for inspiration.
Name changes/alts:Never/None

Previous clans:

First clan Velocity loved that clan but the leader was being a humongous ultra jerk,he kicked me ,and asked to come back,but he Would not budge,so I moved on to my Second clan,Vocation.They recruited me as "fresh meat"or "clan bait",but they later kicked me because of unknown reasons.I then had a friend Who made a clan called AEM (All Evil Menaces)
,but that clan Was ruled by a dictator We some how managed to overthrow him,and I became a leader,few Weeks later the clan died dyed to inactivity,but my friend and I revived the the clan and named it Detail.
My friend then became afk and it Was becoming harder for me too socialize
With everyone being afk so I had to let it down,something I hated doing,but
there Was nothing more I could do,it Was like a one man Clan.So another friend recruited me to his clan I immediately became leader there Were a lot of members and I Was not sure about all these people it had been 2 Weeks
month or two,but I Went With it trying to sneak it into the conversation that the clan Will fall dued to all these inactive accounts and "abandoned alts"
In less then a Week the 3rd leader left,and my good friend fell ill to the contagious, inactivirus.I fought strong to get the clan back on its feet,but When I thought it Was growing it Was dying people started to leave dued to the clan's inactivity. That is When it crumbled and died.The ruins of Core are scattered across this forum such strong Warriors fall victim to such a Weak beast,known as the inactivirus.

Other skills:

I dazzle a bit in art,but I'm not great,I try to spar once in a while,I have amazing social skills I love talking to people and playing against other players in friendly spars
and competitive tournaments.

What can you bring to the clan?

I can bring another level of fun and socialization with the whole clan,eventhough the clan has alot of amazing people I am interested in getting everyone into the clan's life.

something about you?:

I can play guitar I love music and gaming eventhough its hard for me two mix the two,but I feel like gaming is something I enjoy a bit more although I like the feeling when you know your gonna blow everyone out of the water when you play. I hate when people try to get on my nerve
and talk about how they are better than you
,but its enjoyable when you own them on every level.

How did you find us?

I can pretty much say that anyone active on the forum know about this amazing clan and plus before I had Toribash I watched a video of you guys and I saw how radically epic mystically sweet you guys are.

replays:All mp 2 Were intentional decaps.

So anyway 2x the charm,since my other one Was on your old thread.
so #Tribeon
Attached Files
head shot.rpl (43.5 KB, 8 views)
EWWW.rpl (62.6 KB, 6 views)
cdsfsdfsd.rpl (76.6 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by frandavi; Nov 30, 2014 at 05:26 PM.
Much better app, will check replays n shit later on.
I see you're using the irc so that's good.
Just carry on getting to know us n crap.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
[22:27:34] * Joins: frandavi
[22:27:43] <frandavi> Gey guys
[22:28:28] * Quits: frandavi (Quit: Page closed)

I admire his courage.
I vote yes.
Sorry Fran, but so far you've seemed nice n all but you've not really seemed yourself.
It kinda seems like you're putting on a fake personality in order to make us like you, and all it's doing is making us a bit like "eurgh"
the pm's wanting to know more aren't the way to get to know people
you just chat about shit

So it's a no from me

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Had a nice talk, but it kinda seemed like some pre-written questions he asked me there.
Guess ingame n stuff is also not what we are looking for and yea ...

No from me aswell, sorry.