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The First FPS You got good at?
This would interest me a great deal.
Assuming some, if not all of us have been around long enough to see the gaming industry rise from DOS games like DOOM to the Ultra-Graphical games of today, i'd like to know: What was the first FPS you actually got good at?

This could be the FPS that you played to get the skills to play other FPS games, or maybe just that one game you liked so much you had to play through it 4 times on a higher difficulty setting each time. Or maybe it's the only game your parents let you buy and play on their expensive DOS computer. It may even be the game your friend suggested you try and you really got into.

For me, the game was Quake. As a little kid, the first FPS I ever played was Wolfenstein 3D, and then later DOOM. Both of which I could barely fluke my way through the first couple of levels. But then one day, over came my Uncle with a disc containing shareware Quake, what with its fancy 3 dimensional graphics and mouse aiming. I quickly went from jumping through the easy portal and frantically hitting the mouse buttons at the sight of an enemy to plowing through the low-def polygon armies of demons on Nightmare mode (after convincing my dad to get the full version :P). Well, not quite quickly since it took me a while to find where the nightmare portal was. Anyway, Quake is the first game that really got me into the FPS genre and taught me the skills I needed to carry on to later FPS's (e.g. Strafing, Taking cover, How to lob grenades correctly etc.)

So, what was yours?
Last edited by 4zb41; Jan 6, 2011 at 01:26 PM.
I never was so ... in... in the fps genre, but still, what i became good at was probably bf vietnam.
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Eroge Expert
Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Ive played a LOT of FPS games but I was usually average or slightly above average. In MW, I had the top score in my first 3-4 matches. Then in most games after that, i was like 2-3, but not by far. I guess it was natural talent. :P Anyway, in Black Ops and MW2 im back to being average. I still wonder why MW is different.
The Official [Evil] Hitman
CashGod | ♫ Joven Dios ♫
I played all the classics back in the day, but I never really cared to master them. I don't see a whole lot of benefit in replaying a game just to get better 'skills' at it. The first FPS that I really mastered was 1942, because I had friends who played it competitively, and so I didn't have much of a choice. I don't think I would be good at it now, since my skill was based on thought not practice.
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Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
I don't see a whole lot of benefit in replaying a game just to get better 'skills' at it.

There is a lot of benefit in replaying toribash.You get better skills.