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The ingame Community
Hey, as first, i want to say my english is rlly bad, pls look over it.

I just want to ask if you guys have the same Problem with ca. 80% of the ingame Community, i mean Insulting, Provoking and just be a A*******
Its very annoying and i hope im not the only one with that Problems...
There are times where I feel like the whole community is cancer, taking jokes way too far, spamming, saying homophobic/racist shit and thinking its funny.

all of those are annoying

i wish most of the community would know the difference between being annoying as fuck and being funny.
Well, in-game is the only place you can say anything and you want and not be breaking any rules so I suppose people use as much of that privilege as they can. If you've ever hosted anything on Toribash, cancer is the language that keeps your servers active and talkative but I personally don't mind it. It's just users enjoying their time, talking and nobody is getting offended so it's just some fun chaos. There are times when one user is actually being annoying but they normally get shut down.
In-game has degenerated into a big argument on how young a person is.

Apparently, the younger you are the more hated you are as a person.

That being said I tend to stray away from talking in-game cause no matter the conversation, it always ends up about age.
This is the internet. The great criticism levelled at the internet has always been that the anonymity lets people say whatever they want, and people usually want to say provocative things.

Personally I just try not to take anything I hear on the internet seriously.
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
i had a guy who was 30 years old and worked at a car wash tell me the insignificance of currency in a boxshu lobby

sometimes i just like to block it all out