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My replays....
So umh, I've been really speculating about opening up a replay thread, tho i think it would get alot of uneccesary hate, due to my clanky playstyle and weird movement.
I've always been the person who gets really defensive when it comes to criticism, tho I'm looking to fix it this way by opening one up, tho I'm really paranoid about getting shat on with hate and stuff.

So really, should I open up and just embrace the criticism, or should I keep my replays private until I get better and

pls help.
bone fuck my ray romano bluray
Hi JinJe

Man, if you open a thread to show something you need to be able to recieve all the criticism. Also, when a guy post a criticism he is helping you a lot, and the good way to become good is looking for all criticisms and fix the things. No one will hate you just because you're bad at replay making man! if someone is giving to you cnc think he is helping you a lot.

Go ahead.

-Sorry for the bad english but i think you got what i want to mean.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
i was pretty defensive at first, it went away after i started ignoring everything i didn't agree with. after looking at advice from a neutral position, eventually i learned to weed the good from the bad advice. just remember that even if you want to improve and be really good, it still is a videogame and anyone who prevents you from having fun is probably wrong.
oh yeah
What Pusga said is true. There in the replay section we have 2 types of replay makers: That plays just for fun and that are competitive af and want to be perfectionists. You just need to choose what type of replay maker are you.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
The only time hate is good is when it's constructive.

Otherwise, it's just witch hunting
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
in all my years of looking at the replays board i havent seen genuine hate towards anybody, begginer or someone better. If you want critisicsm open up a thread, probably the worst thing that will happen will be that you will hardly get comment