Original Post
What's the laziest thing you've done
I'm not a particularly lazy person but the case fell of my favorite pillow 2 months ago and I still haven't put it back on
the most laziest thing i've done? not gotten out of bed until my sister colored my nails which was 6pm
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Not sure if this is really my most lazyest thing i done in some people eyes,but for me it probably is.
once i canceled an download because it was around 1 hour to finish,even with all the whole day free(generally my downloads take around 3 hours,and sometimes just minutes),until today i still without it.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
probably the one time that i woke up at 12 am cause idk and i literally just stayed up for the next 6 hours waiting for the sun to come up so i could get my computer.
Originally Posted by BquadZ7550 View Post
probably the one time that i woke up at 12 am cause idk and i literally just stayed up for the next 6 hours waiting for the sun to come up so i could get my computer.

that's not laziness that's determination
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
xD yesterday i had to choose between ben & jerrys and goldfish or going out to pickup real food for dinner

needless to say i had ben & jerrys and goldfish with water for dinner

you're an inspiration to us all
I'm not really much of a lazy person, but the laziest thing i've done is sleeping for 2 days straight
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Well my last achievement was to automate my laziness:

My commute time is 02:30h with chartered bus, 3~4h if I use other methos. Since 4 months ago I'm sleeping 3 or less hours per night in workdays, so I was getting late all the time. I created a simple arduino system that detects if I'm still at my room at 05:15 (limit to get a shower and dress up without being late), If I am then I'll obviously be late, then an USB light turns on, uber starts on my smartphone with "Work" selected (but not requested) and outlook sends a message to my boss telling him to not worry that I'll be there in 2 or so hours.

EDIT: It's not very polished, sometimes the infrared doesn't work or the uber request fails and the e-mail is not sent, but hey!
Last edited by IIInsanEEE; Aug 19, 2016 at 08:26 PM.