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So i was thinking about this when my friend told me he doesn't believe in god i kept thinking "Is there really a next life?","Does heaven exist or hell?" so i did look over youtube for "story's" of people who have died and come back and said they have seen god or that heaven is a real place .However, there are people who want to be frozen before they die so when they un-freeze them they can still be alive. So what do you think is there another life after this one?
I don't know anything about the after life, like everyone else

But fuck, i mean, if theres literally nothing but Void after death its a terrible thought. I don't care whats after death as long as its not Void. (Reincarnation would be cool.)

Orko Moderated Message:
Not really but, ok
Last edited by Soon; Jul 28, 2016 at 08:34 AM.
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
I hope I turn into a ghost.

Actually I bet you'll turn into a ghost and go into a baby's body and relive a life. Idk atheist problems< -------
I don't think there is anything after you die, hence why you have all the reason in the world to live life to its fullest, and make sure that people remember you for all the good you did. But, think of it like this: Can you remember the billions of years before you were born? Nope. Being dead is probably exactly like that. It's a depressing thought, and one that's extremely difficult to grasp properly, but hey, better than eternal damnation for having committed a few sins. :v (but wayyyyyyy worse than eternal paradise)

It's really not possible to know anything about it yet, though. Once you die, you're dead, and there's no coming back from that to tell people about it. Memento mori and all that jazz. Would it be neat if there was some kind of non-terrible afterlife? Absolutely, but i personally wouldn't count on it.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Maybe we're living a computer simulation, like Elon Musk thinks (he reckons there's a 1 in a billion chance that we aren't). Maybe we're players in this simulation and if we die, maybe we return to 'base reality'. Or maybe there's only one person in this world who's the real player and we're all super-sentient NPCs, and when we die we just cease to exist. Maybe there are no players, and the simulation continues regardless of all our deaths.

Nobody knows, but it's fun to imagine that when I die, I'll take off some VR headset (or whatever) and continue on with my base reality day.

Originally Posted by Soon View Post
I don't know anything about the after life, like everyone else

But fuck, i mean, if theres literally nothing but Void after death its a terrible thought. I don't care whats after death as long as its not Void. (Reincarnation would be cool.)

There can't be "void" because you have no brain to feel/see it or what so ever. The way you think about it is not what it is.. The way everyone thinks the "nothingness/void" or whatever it's just like you think you are there surrounded by nothing(emptiness, darkness..) but it is not like that. It's probably impossible to think without thinking you are there experiencing it... it's really complicated to explain.. Like before you were born, it was nothing but not in that way... if this makes any sense at all to you..

So yeah, I don't believe in this after life thingy. Sure I'd like to believe in it. But when you start to think about life and how everything goes it's just... nah.
Nobody knows, and I don't know why people really care. How is a void so scary? If this is true, if nothing exists, than you won't feel fear, or anything. The thought of it is pretty much meh, because it is the expected aftermath of death, even if you believe in heaven and stuff like that.

Personally, I would like to be reincarnated (only once though), as another person probably 1000 years from my previous death. Not that I would know if I was reincarnated, so that doesn't really mean much.

This chit chat is totally useless :P
The thought of death (especially what comes after) was terrifying to me for a long time, but I've become so accustomed to the fear that its pretty numb at this point.

One of the most comforting things I've read on the subject has actually been Plato's Phaedo. I recommend it highly to anyone who cares. The tl;dr is this: we'll assume your goal in life is to have complete knowledge of the universe, but we also know that our senses are inadequate for a full understanding of literally anything. Because our bodies intrinsically rely on our senses, this means that our mind/soul cannot possibly reach this understanding during the lifespan of our bodies. The two possible results of this are that either total knowledge is impossible, in which case death would be a release from striving towards an impossible goal, or the knowledge that is sought is only achievable after death. In either case, death is a positive outcome.
My personal belief is that probably nothing happens when you die, but whatever man at least I'll be done with having a body which is actually pretty annoying to have when you think about it. You have to like eat breathe sleep go to the bathroom etc all the fucking time in order to not die, its like you keep getting distracted from things you want to focus on because your stupid body fucking sucks.

Anyway here's a semi-related quote that I like:
“O my soul, do not aspire to immortal life,
but exhaust the limits of the possible.”
Last edited by Larfen; Jul 28, 2016 at 05:38 PM.
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Originally Posted by Larfen View Post
The tl;dr is this: we'll assume your goal in life is to have complete knowledge of the universe, but we also know that our senses are inadequate for a full understanding of literally anything. Because our bodies intrinsically rely on our senses, this means that our mind/soul cannot possibly reach this understanding during the lifespan of our bodies. The two possible results of this are that either total knowledge is impossible, in which case death would be a release from striving towards an impossible goal, or the knowledge that is sought is only achievable after death. In either case, death is a positive outcome.

If your goal in life is to obtain complete knowledge of the universe, then sure. Not sure why Plato's assuming that everyone has the same goal in life as him (if that's what he's doing). I'd rather just aim for happiness.

I don't put too much stock in that sort of quasi-nihilist bullshit. It's a recipe for depression. Why do you find it comforting?
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
If your goal in life is to obtain complete knowledge of the universe, then sure. Not sure why Plato's assuming that everyone has the same goal in life as him (if that's what he's doing). I'd rather just aim for happiness.

I don't put too much stock in that sort of quasi-nihilist bullshit. It's a recipe for depression. Why do you find it comforting?

Yeah, you're right about me assuming that goal, and it's brought up in the dialogue but I left it out for the sake of not writing a bunch. The conclusion could be more accurately stated as "Anyone who seeks knowledge has nothing to fear of death" rather than "Anyone at all has nothing to fear of death".

I would argue that a life goal that isn't to obtain knowledge will lead to unhappiness. The only way I can think of to achieve happiness without pursuing knowledge is to engage in bodily pleasures. This can mean pursuit of riches, sex, drugs, etc. and will lead to happiness of a sort. However death would mean the end of all these pleasures for certain and knowledge of that would be extremely depressing I think. That's why I think the "philosopher's path" of striving for knowledge is more rewarding and allows for lasting happiness. I find it comforting to know that the life I now lead kinda sucks in comparison to the idea of a body-less existence so if I can make it through life then I can sure as hell make it through death.
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