Original Post
Annoying Sound
Sometimes when I play I hear this annoying sound, I don't know where it is from but it happens in my replays and all the fights I do. It's like a "BZZZZZZZ" sound being super loud, I checked my inventory on my hitsounds and kiai but none has this annoying sound, I check the my sounds in the game files, nothing. What cause this annoying sound?
Check your own and uke's custom folders. If this doesn't help you locate the source, try ctrl+y, checking all sounds off and then trying to find the source one by one.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
did you change the sounds just recently? it might be fault of the upload malfunction, i'd turn them off for now and reupload once everything is alright.