Don't use a video game title in your name, don't use numbers, don't make something obscene like "poopkid123", don't use copious amounts of X's or L's or V's to try get the name you want ("xXDeathReaperXx", lKiLLeRlFail", "v Butteckz". Don't alternate between uppercase and lowercase (KiNgOfCaLlOfDuTy).

Avoid these things and you wont look like a dumb faggot.
Well, pretty much what corey said. I have two ps3's because i moved countries. the name i got when it first came out was 'dynastyboi' which i still have. Then a month ago i got the new ps3 for USA, and I got the name 'Deurp'. notice how i capitalize the first letter. be punctual, and trust me, there are so many names out there. jjust be creative and search around for names and letters that mean something to you.
Didney worl mak mah brain go splody