Original Post
fbc just made a video with these same shaders in the same exact way
sly already used this song but why is it slowed down ? and gross
font was ugly
shaders didnt fit the song either
I posted the video the a few days ago before fbc posted his, I added transitions and re-uploaded it. Sly probably used a remixed version, but hype requested the original version so I used it.
Last edited by BuZe; Dec 16, 2014 at 03:59 AM.
Originally Posted by BuZe View Post
I posted the video the a few days ago before fbc posted his, I added transitions and re-uploaded it. Sly probably used a remixed version, but hype requested the original version so I used it.

yea i was wrong he used a remixed version
they were uploaded the same day so whatever


the shaders didnt actually fit anything
you should probably not take requests for music
you should edit to a song that you have a connection with
the song would have went well with dark blue/black shaders

about the intro
i didnt enjoy the bright blue fucking flames, did you record all the replays then were like fuck it just give me a song
work on motiontracking
it felt really static and it looks untouched
like you didnt know what to put so you just slapped in that for a filler

intro done right

dont do what you did and just record you spinning around the tori in the middle of the replay, i shouldnt have to be confused about what im looking at ever
the motion tracked text was cleverly layed out, like he actually planned the video

the first clip had terrible freecaming, you should be focused on the tori, not the transition into the next clip because i couldnt really see what was happening

excuse me

wtf is this
i get its supposed to say "boom" but its cut off and it being there in general made me laugh because of how out of place it is (dont do this anyways it doesnt look good and it doesnt add anything)
everything feels out of place
it wasnt even synced up to anything in the replay, i would say it was out of sync but im not very sure

the second replay wasnt BAD freecaming but it was still shitty because it didnt feel like anything was happening, it was really uninteresting and i didnt enjoy watching it

the last replay had lots of problems, it wasnt really synced up with anything and if it was it wasnt noticeable.
you started speeding up the replay and i got all ready for something cool to happen but all i got was your logo and more poorly tracked everything zooming away and giving me a headache
also work on that freecaming, i was looking at the background more by choice because i didnt want to follow the tori around
personally i dont think some songs should be edited with tb and i get that you have a choice or whatever but shit like this shouldnt be bothered with because its hella hard to make a bad song fit into a good video
try editing something thats easy to sync with and easy to make a theme with like trap

sorry if this is poorly layed out
That was my first time using motion tracking, and I know, it sucks.


I was trying to do new things and trying be different, but it didn't work out as planned.
I know, I suck at editing because obviously slycooper is best editor 2014 and no one can beat him.
I didn't want to use a dark shader because I thought it didnt match the song

Anyways, yeah.
I'll do a edit a week for 4 weeks to improve and thanks for your cnc, it helped me very much.
Last edited by BuZe; Dec 16, 2014 at 06:21 AM.
Originally Posted by BuZe View Post
That was my first time using motion tracking, and I know, it sucks.


I was trying to do new things and trying be different, but it didn't work out as planned.
I know, I suck at editing because obviously slycooper is best editor 2014 and no one can beat him.
I didn't want to use a dark shader because I thought it didnt match the song

Anyways, yeah.
I'll do a edit a week for 4 weeks to improve and thanks for your cnc, it helped me very much.

didnt occur to me that i was watching the old one
slys video was from may 2013
why did you use white pink blue and purple for a slow chillish song ?

freecaming still applies for the rest of the video, but now it gets too close sometimes

Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
you really need to work on the basics before trying to get creative, otherwise it'll look like you're trying to be edgy

Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
you really need to work on the basics before trying to get creative, otherwise it'll look like you're trying to be edgy

this quote wasn't directed at buze in any way, he wasn't trying to be edgy