Original Post
+I GOT SCAMMED. need help
so i have screenshots. the deal was 57k for a hand flame.

scammer is rizix
victim is bagtagger
Attached Images
Untitled.jpg (94.8 KB, 36 views)
fdadfs.jpg (97.5 KB, 28 views)
uhhh.. just trying to help. a better place to put your scam reports is in this thread. fill out the report in the format given and hanz0 will try to fix your problem.
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Originally Posted by raiden224 View Post
uhhh.. just trying to help. a better place to put your scam reports is in this thread. fill out the report in the format given and hanz0 will try to fix your problem.

^ true.

This doesn't belong to support.

Technically it does belong to Support, but the Market Squad is way cooler. :D
Last edited by hanz0; Mar 6, 2010 at 05:23 PM.

Vox sucks
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[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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Technically it does belong to Support, but the Market Squad is way cooler.

so u gunna help? if not can u stick a link to the report thread in here.
it's shameful how mean and unfair they are all scamers should get ip bans i hate them so very much.
Just here to become TA,yet why do i try, I TRY SO I CAN BE A FUCKIN TA