Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Blood] Member List

You enter the first side cave from the left. The plate says it goes to Member List.
There are several light sources on the walls. Between the light sources are pictures of some people.
The papers the pictures are made on look very old.
There are papers with text on them under the pictures.

Tonakai (leader)
Hopea (leader)

Member count:

You notice two lonely pieces of paper in the end of the room.
You grab the first one and read it.

Dead members


Next to that paper you see a book with empty pages. It looks pretty old and it's covered with blood.
Last edited by Tonakai; Oct 4, 2013 at 03:16 PM.
[Blood] Rules
You take the second side cave from the left. The name plate said it is called Rules.
There are several papers with some text on them. There's also a pile of pieces of paper in the corner of the room. They appear to be pretty new.
You start to read the papers in order from the left.

All work and no Awesomeness makes Blood a dull clan.

You realize that a few lines of the rules are taken from something you can't remember at the moment.
Last edited by Tonakai; Oct 4, 2013 at 02:10 PM.
[Blood] Relations
When you entered the cave third from the left with the name Allies and enemies given, you immediately started to think, is there more this kind of organisations? The though made you feel horrible.
You entered the side cave. There are two tables on each side of the cave. Left one holds two papers, right one holds four.
You start to read the papers from the left.


Is it good or bad?

Friends of Blood

Reason: Made the clan logo, donated an almost full Plasma set, made a texture. Plus plain Awesomeness.

Reason: Plain Awesomeness.

Reason: Plain Awesomeness.

Friends with bolded names mean that they have done something that has helped us going further. Friends with bolded and/or underlined and/or italic have done a lot for our clan. Respect them!
You can only be a friend of Blood by special occasions. You don't simply ask to be a friend of our clan. It is not something that can be explained.


:) Vampire :)
Reason: For having a conflict with clan names.
Reason for :) : For being Awesome.


Is this a good or a bad thing?
Last edited by Tonakai; Oct 4, 2013 at 02:21 PM.
I decided I'd look up some of your clan information, because I like to get a look at new clans. I have to admit that this is pretty organized, and rather strict. I'm sure you guys will last for quite a while, but I do have to point out that having that many blacklist members... Well, 35 is a lot for a new clan. I knew Evolution had recently become enemies with you, but I heard another reason for it, than the one you listed.
Oh, and by the way, congratulations. Good luck to you all.
Originally Posted by guitarookid View Post
I decided I'd look up some of your clan information, because I like to get a look at new clans. I have to admit that this is pretty organized, and rather strict. I'm sure you guys will last for quite a while, but I do have to point out that having that many blacklist members... Well, 35 is a lot for a new clan. I knew Evolution had recently become enemies with you, but I heard another reason for it, than the one you listed.
Oh, and by the way, congratulations. Good luck to you all.

Lets hear that reason please? Also, we do Black List a lot of people, but we also have the Black List Escapee -system.
Clan Blood Leader
Wait, whoops. I'm thinking of the wrong clan. It was Evil that had decided to become your enemy-- I heard something about your clan calling another clan racist. XD...
Originally Posted by guitarookid View Post
Wait, whoops. I'm thinking of the wrong clan. It was Evil that had decided to become your enemy-- I heard something about your clan calling another clan racist. XD...

Evil? Racist? What the? You sure? I gotta go ask around.
Clan Blood Leader
Hopea said a joke that Evolution might be against some of our members' religion, and Tripstone took it a bit too seriously.
I tried to tell him that it was just a joke, but looks like he either doesn't want to believe it or... Well, idk what.
So, we are enemies with Evolution because of an misunderstanding.
And Tripstone denies the fact that it's misunderstanding.

I really hope this won't turn out as it did with Freelance...