Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
the TLL show thread
the last legion's very [BIG] internet show

Welcome to the TLL show thread!

This started on the discord with gli and coca talking about some salmon gli had bought and jorgul making a joke about a "cooking with glimps" show. This developed into a plan to become the new Vice.

All jokes aside, this is a real idea. After some brief discussion, we've found that we absolutely have the means to do this, and it has the opportunity to be a really fun clan project with a great outcome. We'll start with planning out the first episode, and see how things go from there.

The idea is definitely subject to change, but the plan is to have different short segments hosted by different members of the clan. Some will be less serious than others, however the whole thing'll probably be pretty funny. Everything will be soundtracked and edited by us, too, maybe with some outside help from friends.

This idea is still in its infancy, but it won't take too much effort to really get it rolling. We need to figure out exactly what we need to have to make a good show, who can do that, and what segments we should have.

This is a long-term thing, too, so there's no real need to rush on this.

The people who've offered up their skills for the project, and what they'll likely be doing.

Sleepy - Project lead, main soundtracker/original music-er
Glimpsed - Main editor

Segment Ideas:
all names and ideas subject to change

Cookin' with the Glimpe - A cooking segment hosted by glimpsed, featuring his stylish and futuristic music-synced editing

Fashion and Virginity with Brandon and Brendan - a fashion and romantic advice segment hosted by sleepy and cocacobra

This has great potential boys, and may just be the clan activity that we've been searching for. Let's take the opportunities that we have and make something really cool out of it.

This thread should be used as a discussion and proposal platform for this idea. It makes things easier, and gives us a little log of progress.

this feels like a post that someone would make 3 years ago then find it again one of these days and say "god i was really fucking dumb in 2015"
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Originally Posted by Arctic View Post
this feels like a post that someone would make 3 years ago then find it again one of these days and say "god i was really fucking dumb in 2015"

-good editor
-multiple people capable of making good music
-an entire clan full of creative niggas who joke all the time

but putting those to use is terrible idea doomed to fail

i was kinda joking when i said id join in

i didnt know you were gonna go all out on this

but thats just how it be on this bitch of an earth

cooking with glimpsed will still be weekly tll exclusive though