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How to know whats a flame price range
How to know whats a flame's price range?It's my first flame,in fact i got it for free from a player named marcus

He went into the GMBetting server and said

[spirit]marcus:I have a flame,i'm gonna give to anyone for free,who wants it?
*Other players chatting*

I did received the flame,but i dunno the price range,if you don't belive i have a flame check my activated.I wanna know how do we determine the price range of a flame,pls help...

Never capitalize the s in [spirit]
Last edited by marcus; Jun 3, 2011 at 12:35 AM.
manowar: How did that help at all? You aren't giving very reliable information, either.

JiB: if you want a rough price, you can ask at the Price Check Megathread. Just wait for Toast to reply and he will give you an accurate price range.
The price depends on flame size (bigger are more expensive) and generally, you get more for it, if it looks cool.
Flames are specific items. Mostly prices are better, when buyer like your flame (sometimes people are trying to get flame almost for free, looking for good deal for them).
Great example:
dl and lp me. I payed for my flame (forged by maylene, just for me) 83k. I dunno how much it is really value of it. I like it and in my opinion it is worth a lot of tcs. I get offer 18k, phew.

And when flame is harder to made, it will be more expensive. Normal flames are ussually worth around 30-40k for one, but wings, circles, hats (!) are very expensive, because making of flame like this taking a lot of time and not many people can forge it.

If i help you, plz add my nick to your signature.
ToP Fighter!
So you are selling it already? Well it is yours to do with as you please.

In my opinion the flame is worth 10k-15k tops

Factors that contribute; its black, hand flames are common, doesn't have a matching friend on the other hand.
Last edited by marcus; Jun 3, 2011 at 12:36 AM.
Originally Posted by marcus View Post
So you are selling it already? Well it is yours to do with as you please.

In my opinion the flame is worth 10k-15k tops

Factors that contribute; its black, hand flames are common, doesn't have a matching friend on the other hand.

But how expensive was it when you forged it?
Originally Posted by JiBaiLanJiao View Post
But how expensive was it when you forged it?

that doesnt matter. as you wont be able to sell it for more then the forge price anyway.

edit: most likely. you can with some flames. but then you have to much free time.
The price depends on the opinion of the user. If I liked it very much, then I'd probably be willing to give more than others. If I disliked it, then I'd probably give less than others.
Find some one who is interested in it, and ask him what he would give for it. You should stay above 35k though.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..