Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Hey, guys.
Well then.

I'm Julien. You can call me that, or Alaistier, or Ala, or Al, or Alai, or.. Well, whatever you want, really. I'm 18 and currently I'm pursuing a culinary major at a nearby college. I'm also the vocalist of a technical death metal band.

I've been around TB for quite a while, and I've made acquaintance with quite a few of you. Clan-wise, I started out in an unofficial clan called "Red." That never quite worked out. Then, I joined fl0w. I stayed with fl0w for quite a while, but when someone there didn't quite like my sense of humor, I was asked to leave. There was some uncomfortable friction there for a while, but as far as I can tell, it's all blown over. Following fl0w, I was invited to join Doxxy's clan, Business, which I stayed with through its' journey to officialness. After a month of two of being official, Doxxy decided to leave. Not agreeing with the new leadership choice, I found it best to leave. It was then that I decided to try my hand at making my own clan. I made The, which never made it official, but I kept alive for quite some time... Probably 9 months or more. I eventually came to the realization that it was going nowhere, and it was best to just let it go. I also currently "lead" the RSO, the Rookie Sparrer's Org. Now Kristis invited me to Tint, and here I am.

I enjoy playing Wushu and I'm addicted to betting on TB. I also spar when I have enough time, but college has been keeping me fairly tied up. I can post daily, though, except for some weekends. Weekends are my only chance to get and stay out of the house, so I tend to take the opportunity when it arises. However, for the rest of the week, I should be a fairly consistent.. poster? I guess that's the best word for that.

Sometimes I can be a bit obnoxious... Well, I feel obnoxious, anyway. Some people also tell me I'm funny, and I'm a generally dedicated person. I don't like to give up on anything, ranging from clans to hobbies. I'm not afraid to be an asshole when I feel justified. I can be pretty vulgar sometimes, so if there's any problems with that, let me know.

If you have any questions, ask away.

Welcome aboard man!
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Yes! Fresh meat. Where you'd get this guy?
I shall now know you as King Julien.
- Favorite type of food?
- Any demos?
- Where are you from?

According to your intro - we'll get along pretty good.
Oh, and welcome.


hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Originally Posted by Tekro View Post
Yes! Fresh meat. Where you'd get this guy?
I shall now know you as King Julien.
- Favorite type of food?
- Any demos?
- Where are you from?

According to your intro - we'll get along pretty good.
Oh, and welcome.

I'm a huge fan of Indian and Mexican food. And who doesn't like some take-out every once in a while? ;)

No demos yet, but we've got some rough (and I mean rough) recordings on Youtube. No vocals on them yet, and I finished lyrics for the "Wholesale" (I'm pretty sure we're going to change that name.)


That's our channel. In Wholesale, the way I say "wholesale" is a joke, I'm NOT going to be screaming like that. Lol. I feel like I have to explain that to everyone. If you end up watching "False chord practice," I'm not going to be screaming like that either. It's more of a really deep Randy Blythe style that I'm going with.


I was born in Berlin, Germany, and moved to Colorado when I was only a few months old. My father was in the military, and he was headed back to the States, so, naturally, my mom and I came with him. Stayed in Colorado for two years, then I lived in Maryland until I was 8. For the last 10 years.. unfortunately... I've lived in Delaware. I can't wait to get out of this hellhole.

Originally Posted by glOw View Post

Hey brah! I knew this day would finally come.....
Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
Something tells me you love gore.

Welcome aboard.

Have we met before...? Perhaps on some distant field?